I was always told free for the taking after the deadline by an older Dnr officer quite a few years ago. He said he had tons of stands. I have never taken one down before that wasn't mine.
I would walk by the stand and shake my head in disappointment. See my JOB title doesn't allow me to punish those for doing illegal actions so I leave the justification of what is right or wrong and how they will be punished up to those go get paid to do that job.
This is where I will disagree with you. It is your "job" to help assist the c.o. in doing his/hers duties. You preach about the c.o. spending their time with better things, well how are they suppose to know about over fishing, shooting out the window ect. that you know are happening? Are you reporting these crimes? It may not be your "job", but it is your responsibility as a decent human being and an outdoorsmen to report these said crimes is it not? In my opinion they "waste" more of there time out searching for these crimes when all someone has to do is call the tip line and report what they are seeing. If they walked/drove all of the state land looking for stands how much time is that wasting? It is much more efficient having the hundreds of shed hunters who already walk the public ground to report back to them is it not?
Well I hope it isn't your stand in therebecause it is coming down Saturday with the help of the c.o. and I. And I don't feel bad for whoever the p.o.s is that's going to lose his stand!
There are many, many, many more topics to worry about in today's hunting world than the few stands hung on public past the deadline.Hahahaha!!! I feel bad for the "p.o.s" that so badly wants to hang a stand where another is.........
I would walk by the stand and shake my head in disappointment. See my JOB title doesn't allow me to punish those for doing illegal actions so I leave the justification of what is right or wrong and how they will be punished up to those go get paid to do that job.
This is where I will disagree with you. It is your "job" to help assist the c.o. in doing his/hers duties. You preach about the c.o. spending their time with better things, well how are they suppose to know about over fishing, shooting out the window ect. that you know are happening? Are you reporting these crimes? It may not be your "job", but it is your responsibility as a decent human being and an outdoorsmen to report these said crimes is it not? In my opinion they "waste" more of there time out searching for these crimes when all someone has to do is call the tip line and report what they are seeing. If they walked/drove all of the state land looking for stands how much time is that wasting? It is much more efficient having the hundreds of shed hunters who already walk the public ground to report back to them is it not?
Well I hope it isn't your stand in therebecause it is coming down Saturday with the help of the c.o. and I. And I don't feel bad for whoever the p.o.s is that's going to lose his stand!
Nope it's not my stands left on public as I abide by rules and regulations. Sorry. And i have a job, a family, friends, and a pastime outside of babysitting or micro managing what goes on, on Iowas public land. I'm happy you have no life and are able to babysit guys who hunt your state ground. Maybe that CO willbtake you out for a nice steak dinner for doing such a service to him :moon:![]()
Don't like to play childish games on the internet but ill make an exception in your case! Yeah I have no life I'm 34 and live in my parents basement and play video games all day, and don't work, you caught me! And no I don't hunt any state ground. I take advantage of other aspects it has to offer. And how is my micro managing at all different then you complaining about a guy catching more than his limit of fish? I'm sure he plans on eating them all. Tree stands damage trees as over fishing can hurt the fish population. Apples to apples, a broken law is a broken law and I think we can both agree on that?Nope it's not my stands left on public as I abide by rules and regulations. Sorry. And i have a job, a family, friends, and a pastime outside of babysitting or micro managing what goes on, on Iowas public land. I'm happy you have no life and are able to babysit guys who hunt your state ground. Maybe that CO willbtake you out for a nice steak dinner for doing such a service to him :moon:![]()
Don't like to play childish games on the internet but ill make an exception in your case! Yeah I have no life I'm 34 and live in my parents basement and play video games all day, and don't work, you caught me! And no I don't hunt any state ground. I take advantage of other aspects it has to offer. And how is my micro managing at all different then you complaining about a guy catching more than his limit of fish? I'm sure he plans on eating them all. Tree stands damage trees as over fishing can hurt the fish population. Apples to apples, a broken law is a broken law and I think we can both agree on that?
Don't like to play childish games on the internet he says..........
All someone has to do is look at the last 10 threads you've started; after 10 mins of reading it's easy to see your completely full of brown poo. A law is a law you're absolutely correct however, I don't always wear my seat belt, I don't always drive 55 and definitely had my first drink of alcoholic beverage before I was 21 so I'm sure you get where I'm going with this......
These arguments are getting ridiculous...quit ruining this site.
People used to share 100x more than they share now. I have to believe it is due to all the back and forth BS and Internet policing going on. Come on already!