RARE OPPORTUNITY!!!! 5 year old apple & pear trees for sale. FIRST COME, 1st serve!!!! These will go fast, I promise- FYI. I’m selling the extras I have for less $ than I have into growing them for 5 years!!! $150/each. U pick up. First come, first serve & this might never happen again. (There’s one southern grower that sells them for $250-600 depending on size!). This will save someone a decade vs growing in wild.
I need EASY BUTTON on buyers- pick them up & plant away. Ideally folks who know how hard it is to start a 1 year old apple or pear out or maybe the guy who has lost most of them.
We can load them up. These are coming out as we speak. All info u could need:
1) grown in rootmaker bags. https://rootmaker.com/rootmaker-system Take bag off & 95% of root system is there & will go nuts growing
2) variety of apples. Very good disease resistance. Grab a few ideally. Same with pears. All staggered to drop a little later. Trust me on what’s there. Grab a variety & know it’s good!!! Examples, apples: Liberty, enterprise, redfree, Arkansas black, empire, goldrush, etc. pear: kieffer, Shenandoah, Seckel, etc.
3) grown on EMLA-111 rootstock & these are 10x better than the tiny dwarf trees you buy at menards, etc.
4) grown in Iowa!!!! Babied!!! Pruned, branches trained, irrigated & sprayed. I can supply all info on care later.
5) these pics look rough as the trees are fresh out of the ground. I’m not going to “pretty them up” as it does nothing with a new shiny bag. They are ready to go in trailer - u pull down road & plant as able.
6) any smaller ones or ones with dents and dings- those are trees I’ll keep for myself. The best ones are ones I’ll let folks grab.
7) 10 trees minimum would be ideal but flexible. At that- that’s less $ than a guy would spend on a Bow that’s set up.
8. ) yes- I have more than $150 into these. Landscapers sell 5 year old generic trees for $200-500 & cut the root systems off most the time. This is a steal. I’ve had 6-8 part time guys plus myself working on these for years.
First come, first serve until they are gone. If you’re a quick, easy going & know basics of trees- come get em! .
9) I have a friend down there now working. I likely will get u directions to farm & he will be there to load them up. I will give u his #.
Southern iowa- 45 mins s of Des Moines. Easy to do.
*some pics are of growing trees previously.
I need EASY BUTTON on buyers- pick them up & plant away. Ideally folks who know how hard it is to start a 1 year old apple or pear out or maybe the guy who has lost most of them.
We can load them up. These are coming out as we speak. All info u could need:
1) grown in rootmaker bags. https://rootmaker.com/rootmaker-system Take bag off & 95% of root system is there & will go nuts growing
2) variety of apples. Very good disease resistance. Grab a few ideally. Same with pears. All staggered to drop a little later. Trust me on what’s there. Grab a variety & know it’s good!!! Examples, apples: Liberty, enterprise, redfree, Arkansas black, empire, goldrush, etc. pear: kieffer, Shenandoah, Seckel, etc.
3) grown on EMLA-111 rootstock & these are 10x better than the tiny dwarf trees you buy at menards, etc.
4) grown in Iowa!!!! Babied!!! Pruned, branches trained, irrigated & sprayed. I can supply all info on care later.
5) these pics look rough as the trees are fresh out of the ground. I’m not going to “pretty them up” as it does nothing with a new shiny bag. They are ready to go in trailer - u pull down road & plant as able.
6) any smaller ones or ones with dents and dings- those are trees I’ll keep for myself. The best ones are ones I’ll let folks grab.
7) 10 trees minimum would be ideal but flexible. At that- that’s less $ than a guy would spend on a Bow that’s set up.
8. ) yes- I have more than $150 into these. Landscapers sell 5 year old generic trees for $200-500 & cut the root systems off most the time. This is a steal. I’ve had 6-8 part time guys plus myself working on these for years.
First come, first serve until they are gone. If you’re a quick, easy going & know basics of trees- come get em! .
9) I have a friend down there now working. I likely will get u directions to farm & he will be there to load them up. I will give u his #.
Southern iowa- 45 mins s of Des Moines. Easy to do.
*some pics are of growing trees previously.