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When I was in high school a friend and I walking to a spot we used to fish on the Mississippi River In Dubuque county. A rattle snake was on the two track. We didn’t see it. About 6 or 7 feet away it coiled up and we heard the rattle. It wasn’t backing away. We ended up not fishing that afternoon.
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I can’t make the link work, but take a look at the Madison County Sherriff’s page on Facebook. Pics of one that was caught this past wkd.
When I was a kid- I wanted to be a herpetologist. Loved snakes. Been around every type & had tons as pets until late high school - then I got hooked on hunting ;) . Still to this day I do like seeing them & do my best to go around them at farm. I would avoid rattlers but I don’t think I’d kill one. Cool critters… at a distance ;). Those cottonmouths sure are aggressive!!!
I'm friends with one. Smart guy, loves his outdoors. He shared that nearly all rattlesnakes today don't rattle due to evolution. Back in the day, there were bounties on rattlesnakes and the easiest way to find them was to listen. The silent ones survived the bounty roundups and here we are with silent rattlers today. That's not to say that you won't run into someone who has heard one rattle, but by and large the majority of the population are now silent.
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