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Rattling and Decoys


PMA Member
When does every one start Rattling and using decoys? I was thinking of
trying some light rattling tonight. The only problem with useing a decoy this weekend would be early Muzz starts.
As far as rattling goes, during any part of the hunting season, I don't believe there is a bad time to rattle.. so long as you adjust your techniques for the time of the season.. In the early season, bucks are establishing their pecking order and are sparring a lot, then of course you get into full blown fighting during the rut, after that, they start pushing eachother around when food gets sparse in the winter... When deer are in hard-horn, there's always some tickling going on somewhere.. With that being said, I haven't rattled yet this year, but that's mostly because I have been doe hunting. One of my friends had two decent bucks pushing eachother around in front of him last week.
If you decide to rattle right now, I'd keep it light and do it sparingly. I've had decoys work early in the season, but not with a great success rate. I usually wait to use a decoy until the last week of October and they work best at first & last light. One trick I've found that works well on decoys is if you kill a doe, keep the hide & have it tanned. Then sew some leather ties or velcro to the hide so you can attach it to your decoy. Kind of like the turkey feather wraps for turkey decoys. My decoying experience has been much better after doing this.
Agreed, light rattling peeks curiosity right now. Haven't had much luck with decoy setups in the early season over the years however.
Last night in Madison county I saw a buck chasing some does around. Then another buck showed up and they got into it! I was about 200 hundred yrds away from all the action but it was still fun to watch. So I said to myself it's still early in the season but I'll rattle and see what comes of it. As soon as I hit my Pack Rack together there was huge crash behind me in the standing corn. Not one but two bucks came running right under my stand trying to find where that sound was coming from. Neither was the caliber of buck that I was looking for but it was still fun to see this early.
Never too early for some light rattling, but I usually wait until the last week of OCT to go hard. I don't take the deke until then as well.

both together work wonders!
Interesting the feelings on this subject. Some say is great tactic, others say not so. Main speaker on Midwest Whitetail says he does not make much noise at all rattling, grunting,,,unless a deer is in sight. From the looks of it,,he has alot of mature buck hunting experience. If area you hunt has alot of hunters out there, making deer noise,,I think deer get wise,,after sneaking in and busting hunters. I am so low,,I don't want this to happen. The less deer suspect me around the better,,is still the best for me. Maybe I am wrong.
The decoy has been a great source of entertainment over the years! I've used one alot!! My findings!! Anything over 130ish is real hesitant to commit! Why? I believe they wanna see movement! I've had 170+ bucks stand and stare for 10 minutes, leave for 10 minutes, then comeback and stare at the deke for another 5-10 min. than leave!! They wanted to commit but would not!! They will draw small, up to P&Y like a sponge!! I'm talking doe decoy!! I had 4 bucks circling the decoy like indians on a wagontrain!! With the biggest trying to run the other 3 away!! Great show! But the stud was maybe 120"!
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