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Rattling Antlers?


Well-Known Member
Are there any artificial rattling antlers that are any good? I once read an article that said dropped, dried out antlers were not as good as a pair of quality imitation antlers. The writer failed to mention where one could purchase a pair of quality imitation antlers however.
The real ones don't have to be dried out if you rehydrate them once a year or so by soaking them in a bucket of water.

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Could you do this with an old pair that haven't been used for several years?
I use a rattle bag. Easy to carry, does not take up much space and you can put it in your pocket in a hurry if one comes chargin in.

Rattled in 4 bucks this fall with the rattle bag so they do work. Real horns are probably better, but they just seem to always get in the way for me and I have passed on them because of it.
The real ones don't have to be dried out if you rehydrate them once a year or so by soaking them in a bucket of water.

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I did not know that antlers would dehydrate under normal circumstances. I keep my antlers in the house most on top of my gun case? I have a 130ish set of antlers I use for rattlers with the brows cut off.

As an old schooler I certainly like using real antler and have all my life. This year I've rattled in over 30 bucks and I'm not done yet.
I use sheds from two different 135 class 4 pts. Both sheds are quite massive.
I've never had a problem with any of my real antlers drying out and have never had to hydrate them at any time. Just don't leave them in the sun for extended periods is all. Only problem I've had with real antler is that I've broken a few when rattling hard. Not a big deal unless its a whole tine or a beam.
Yes, they can be a real pain to carry around, especially in the wilderness environments that I'm usually in.., the thicker the better!

Rattling bags have thier place and time. I've never used them but think they are the best sounding of all the imitations available. I'm considering getting a set just for those extended hikes that I often go on. Just easier to carry and they sound pretty good, especially the larger sized ones.
I have a set of real and synthentic horns and a rattle bag.The synthetics can be bought at any hunting supply store and I think I have seen them a wally world.Have had luck with all three,but worked better in a place I had southern iowa.I think the buck doe ratio was better there,but I agree depending where you hunt they can be a pain to carry in!
Just my 2 cent, I tried the bag ones and I feel there is nothing better than the real deal.
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