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Rattling in a ground blind

Does rattling or grunting or snort weeze sound different if your in a blind or does it sound the same? Plan on a taking a buddy out this weekend for his first bowhunting experience and wanna try and get him something decent in. In the past i have been able to call inside and it still works but i was just wondering about your opinions.
I wouldn't do much calling from a blind unless you are using a decoy to divert their attention. Deer bust a blind like no other. If it is brushed in well or on a blind corner it may work but the odds are against you when a deer is looking for you and you are on the ground.
I've always been curious of this as well. I think you make an excellent point skully.

I don't yet own a light, portable stand like a climber or lone wolf. And I have too many spots to cover in stands, so I was planning on using my big ground blind to be more mobile, once the crops are out at least... Now I really wish I had a decoy!
The last couple of years a buddy and I have used a blind during the rut. Having a decoy out in front of you can make a hunt so much fun. We hunt on the edge of a pasture with timber in front of us and crops to the west. We just tucked the blind in along some round bales, which work really well. We have been busted by some does, because they saw something that normally wasn't there. But one day during the rut, we had 8 different bucks come in towards the decoy. We grunted and rattled from the blind. Actually shot a drop tine buck out of the blind last year. Can definitely put you up close and personal with the deer. Some of the most fun that I have had hunting has been out of a blind. Highly recommend it.
I have a decoy i could use too. If I choose to use a decoy hat type of decoy would be best? Im thinkin about rattling to try to bring the bucks out of the corn. im hunting on a T at the end of a tree line with scrapes up and down it everywhere. with standing corn on both sides and a lil switchgrass spot where i could set up a decoy.
Use a buck decoy and face it quartering to your blind on the up wind side. A buck will almost always circle around to face the decoy on the down wind side of the deek offering you a nice broadside or slightly quartering shot. Make sure your deek is scent free. Brush your blind in good and hold on cause this set up can pay out big this time of year! :way:
Do it all the time, except for a when a buck is in view then I shut up and see what happens. No reason why you shouldn't rattle from a blind.
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