Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



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Iowa Whitetails welcome you as i do. My fellow brothers of shed hunting, & Deer hunting,please chime in, My father brought me up in the outdoor world as im sure your fathers did also, he taught me ethics and what it meant to be outdoors and to enjoy the hunt and just getting away to enjoy the great outdoors.He has made me the outdoorsmen that i am & the Deer hunting maniac that i have become, juat as you have , and i hope to pass this on to my two boys as they are now getting old enough to appreciate why we do what we do. My dad will turn 71 this may & has bought himself a new bow, he gets around the woods better than most of us, as a acomplished gun hunter , this will be his first quest with a bow this fall. I wish him well and hope to be posting a trophy on this site with my dad later this fall.Thanks Dad for all that you have taught me and passing on a great pastime.
Happiness is a large rack
That is what it is all about. I hope to make it to 71. Awesome. Gotta love the Dad's that take the time to introduce kids to the outdoors.

My Dad will turn 69 this spring and will be in the blind turkey hunting right next to me. Very fortunate. Never take those time for granted.
Awesome Post! Hope to see him with good luck!

My dad has never bowhunted, but always incouraged me to do what I want. He still doesn't bowhunt and probably never will, but he is the first to offer his help with dragging deer and taking my field photo's... even though he hates camera's! My boys are 5&6 and I cant wait to start them - I am taking them shed hunting this spring and told them I'd buy them a bow when they turned 8.

Limb... funny! "Laser Beams"
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