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Great letter. He pretty much echo's what I've said about most of the Outdoor Channel for years.

Someday when the penis pump ad's aren't bringing in the cash anymore, one of them New York hotshot exec's are gonna figure out that if they camo the things the sales will go through the roof..........................
Way to go Les!!!
I dropped all mags except Petersen Bowhunter and I just opened latest issue this morning and saw ad for link below. May have been the straw that broke the camels back for P B.


BASTARDS STOLE MY FOIL IDEA. SON OF A BITCH. Oh well, it is good to see my research verified by an independant party.

The only mags I get any more come as the result of a membership.

The 'Bonker
Electromagnetic fields! LMAO. Man Bonker that was very Nostradamus of you. The winter 2010 copy of Iowa Bowhunter is now a collector's item. All hail the antler receptors. :D
BASTARDS STOLE MY FOIL IDEA. SON OF A BITCH. Oh well, it is good to see my research verified by an independant party

I'd sue
Give me a second folks.

LMAO.... I was thinking the same thing. Don't care for Potts, Gordon or theother guy they had on TV, Greg Miller I think it was..?? I have only skimmed through some of their mags, and would occasianally watch the TV shows. I noticed most of the ones they have played so far this year are a couple of years old. I subscribe to the Iowa Sportsman, Iowa Game and Fish and Deer and Deer Hunter. I like the first two mags as there is good articles about real people, and even a few good writers...(TH4). Deer and Deer Hunting I have read quite a few good articles.
Way to go Les!!!
I dropped all mags except Petersen Bowhunter and I just opened latest issue this morning and saw ad for link below. May have been the straw that broke the camels back for P B.


No wonder my scent blocker isn't working. I forgot to cover up my electromagnetic fields. Duh!:D

Wow this suit is full of features.

√ Ultra Lightweight and breathable Energy Cloak fabric.
√ 14% conductive carbon, 86% polyester construction.
√ Can be worn as an outer layer or as an undergarment.
√ Laser cut head cover resists fraying.
√ Superior quality elastic waistband with internal drawstring.
√ Hemmed elastic ankle cuffs.
√ Shirt breast pocket and pant pockets standard.

I'd be skeptical if it wasn't endorsed by Rick Valdez:grin:
Those suit features are about as good as the last weather forecast I watched. I can get 4 or 5 of those "features" if I went out and bought a pair of sweatpants at Wal-mart.
Those suit features are about as good as the last weather forecast I watched. I can get 4 or 5 of those "features" if I went out and bought a pair of sweatpants at Wal-mart.

I doubt you can get those sweats from wallyworld with "energy cloak fabric"
Please post this on other forums you visit guys. Open up the eyes of all the hunters and readers we can. I posted on Iowaoutdoors but I think it got deleted?
I got sick of the vids and mags about 5 or 6 years ago. I keep only a few magazine subscripts anymore......American Hunter, Traditional Bowhunter and Iowa Outdoors.
As someone else has already said...if we are really tired of the commercialization of hunting, whether it is via magazines, videos, endorsements, etc, then we simply need to spend our money on products that are not represented by celebrities and "pro" hunters. Don't patronize the celebrities so much and the companies will have no reason to boost them up there.

Having said that though, the longest lines and biggest crowds that I remember from the past 2 or 3 Iowa Deer Classics that I attended were around certain "celebrity" deer hunters. Hey, it's a free country, so I am not going to say people shouldn't do that if they want to. But if we don't like the commercialization factor then we can't, in the macro sense, behave as groupies in the presence of a "celebrity".

Also, there is no doubt in my mind that some pro hunters will switch their allegiance from one product to another based upon the sponsorship dollars that are attached to it. Solution - we just need to overlook these celebrity endorsers and buy smart.

It didn't really bother me so much that NAW included turkeys in their magazine as it did some. I am more disappointed that NAW has slid to such a heavy mix of ads and that there are "articles" every month that are nothing more than a glorified collage of commercials for various companies.
Amen Mr. Davenport! You hit the nail on the head!
You can have all the Potts, Millers, Reeves and Lakosky's and shove them all in a colvert...I've said it before and I've just said it again. I can't stand any of them and I have met them all.
As for NAW mag, I quit reading it 10 years ago when it first became a pile of junk.
To bad about Wittington, I thought he was a better person then that. Now I find out he's just an ass-smack to keep a position kind of guy.
And if you've ever met James Kroll, you can easily lump him into the group of above listed names.
A friend of mine has ran camera for Reeves and Kroll, says they are both a pile of it and the worst people to work for and with in the business...., with Kroll coming in second.
It is what you make of it

I just wanted to chime in and say that I do not have subscriptions to any magazines right now or I do not buy any dvd's from any hunters. I used to subscribe to Deer and Deer Hunting because I found it to be the most informative. All this being said and based on everyon's replies on this post it seems to me that the majority of everyone on here does not care to pick up any tips, buy any over endorsed products, and put these different media outlets on a pedestal. So I never understand why people jump all over the celebrity or media outlets. They go after the money just like the majority of us would to. If I could hunt for a living and get paid for it, sign me up. Would I have to endorse a product I do not believe in or trust probably. My point being that if you are a smart enough hunter, than who cares what they push or advertise the crap out of, you know that you do not need or have another method of use. I'm not saying that I like all the ads and name dropping to take away from the program and actual hunts. All the excess advertising and corporate crap is not going away. So I just take all the shows and magazines for the what they are and do not get worked up about them. I want them to continue to produce any hunting avenue and I watch it or read it because its better than watching House or any reality tv show. Hunting celebrities are just like athletes 20 years ago contracts were substantially smaller and corporate never surfaced as much as it does today. So I just say it is what it is, nothing will go back to the tradtional days of filming and successful hunting. I do want to say that I totally respect Les and have always read his articles. And one last thing, if a scent control peice of clothing gave a 10% better way of controling your scent wouldn't it be a smart thing to invest in. I will take any kind of advantage in scent control. Do I play the wind and not rely on my suit to be 100% affective hell yes.
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