The only check stations I have been involved with were in Wisconsin. I don't remember seeing any college students, just the guy, from behind the bar, came out to look the deer over. It took about 10 seconds. He had to get back into his bar as the patrons were getting thirsty. I didn't see him fill out any paper work, I can't remeber if the hunter (my cousin) got another tag to put on the deer or not. I guess what I'm trying to say is we could have stayed at his place, fired up the computer, enterd the data from the tag he was issued and had another cold one instead of risking a DUI or being hit by a DUI. The guy from behind the bar could have given a chit less about accuracy as far as I could tell.
Does Illinois have state run check stations where the state pays the college students to check the deer? Who pays for that? Another hunter tax? I just think in the age of high tech, why not just let the computer do the work for us?
Last thing I wanna do is watch a bunch of folks doing Jager Bombs at a check station and get back in their trucks and drive.
There are better ways than check stations. So many "checks and balances" are possible without dragging a deer to a check station. How about a requrement to either call an 800 number or fill out a computer survey, even if you didn't fill a tag, or next year, through the ELSI(the electronic licensing thingy) you will be denined a license? A bit draconian, but it would get everybodies attention. The 800 number and computer stuff has been kicked around on here in years past, so its nuthin new.
FWIW, and it ain't worth much.
The 'Bonker