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Regenerative agriculture & conservation videos...

Soil video, 4 part series. This particular video is maybe a bit more advanced & deep in soil discussion. I listened to some. If u have a desire to learn about soils, soil life, ecology & health of them…. Vids like these r good. More in depth.
Slightly more for beginners: stuff from like Gabe Brown, Ray Archelletta (sp?), etc etc.
Posted some above ^^^^^

Netflix even has one (bit more political twist)
Get varying views & sources.
U will learn a lot from many of them on carbon & how trees & plants sequester carbon & reduce emissions levels…. Like “building organic matter on farms by less than a % would negate all co2 emissions”.
no- u don’t need to buy into “global warming” on one side of view or other to want to understand carbon. Or cleaner water, air, etc. Some is a bit political but most of it is not. Take bits from each source & overall it will enhance farm/soil/environment knowledge greatly. Including ways where it will also translate into “very beneficial for whitetail & wildlife!”
Here’s the one that had a 4 part series. Be one for folks to listen to on a drive.
FWIW, I am just a couple of days away from attending a seminar/field day put on by Dr. Grant Woods, at his place in southern MO. The main theme is, in my words, getting away from tillage and reducing/eliminating reliance on input fertilizers...at least as it relates to food plots. I have been curious about this whole subject for quite awhile and have some things accordingly at my place...but my intent in going to this field day is come away with enough knowledge to "pull the pin" and go pretty much no till on my farm.

I think I have assembled enough tools (tractor, no-till drill, etc.) to make a go of it AND with the rapidly rising fertilizer costs nowadays, this seems like the perfect time to do it. I will make an effort to share my experiences back here in Ioway when I stumble/bumble my way through it this year...and next. :)
BEST CONSERVATION STORY or documentary on it I’ve EVER seen. Unreal. Can watch on Hulu, Disney, National Geographic or I’m sure rent it. So worth it. Watch all the way through. Amazing!!!!!!!

I think eliminating weeds with no chemicals is a very real and not so distant realization. I've discussed that vision with folks for a while. Saw this video today. Robotics and AI could accelerate this very quickly.

I wonder how much money Monsanto would spend to sink that experiment of it started to gain legs.
I like it, I hate chemicals more and more every year.
you could be right. They would have to sink alot of people. There are alot of folks down the same path. Might take someone like Musk to push it through. Untold billions will be made with thousands of other benefits.
So if you mow off a waterhemp, it keeps growing and still makes seed. Unfortunately, I don't see those bots gaining legs. The few video clips showed them working in clean, flat fields. Show me a cut up, IA field with terraces, gullies and loads of nasty weeds and let's see how well they do. Who's on call to pick them up when they flip over in a ditch or bottom out in the mud puddle?
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