PMA Member
As we all know, there are parts, seems like more than not, of the iowa regulation manual that is as grey as grey can be. I have a feeling it was written that way to allow for multiple possible interpretations of a law to allow an officer to solve each problem in a way that best fits that particular scenario. ANYWAY, that being said, I have a question regarding Willbates' Rainy day surprise post. I am in no way saying he is in the wrong, just using his thread as an example. Texting while in the stand to locate or tell the whereabouts of deer. Is it legal or not? The regs say 2-way radio transmitter cannot be used except for yotes. But they describe a 2-way radio transmitter as a radio capable of transmitting voice messages. They specifically list a cell phone as a regulated device. so my question is, is a text okay by the law? I would think yes since its not a voice signal, but the concept is still the same. Using an electronic device to communicate where game is. Just interested to see how everyone else interprets that.