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Regulation Question: Transporting your deer


New Member
I'm planning on trying a new locker this year. This locker wants me to bring my deer to them as a field dressed carcass, with the hide still on. They charge extra is the hide if not on the carcass when I bring it in.

My old locker required all deer meat to be boned out when it was brought in...so I never took a tag with me because the meat was already "processed."

If I shoot a buck this fall that I want to get mounted how do I handle this with 1 tag? The locker I am now using and the taxidermist are an hour apart.
I would assume you would take your tagged deer to the locker. They will record your tag number and skin your deer.

You then would leave with your antlers and cape with your tag and go to the taxidermist.

You may have to go back to get your tag and cape after they skin it if they won't skin it while you wait.
Like Ghost said, you will have to wait until they cape your deer. Then you can take it to the taxi.
I personally wouldn't let them cape out a deer that I wanted to mount. Either find a different locker or make arrangements ahead of time. Are they selling the hides?
Or do your own. Lockers are too expensive and you don't get your own meat back. Some idiot that doesn't know how to care for his meat has his meat mixed up with yours.
If it's a place that does alot of deer I would think that they have someone who knows how to cape it out. So personally that wouldn't be a concern for me, but I know the owners of the locker I deal with very well. I would just talk to the people at the new place they'll know what you need to do to transport it and what they need to do to take care of your trophy.
The tag is only needed until the deer is processed for consumption. As sad as it may be, you do not need the tag to transport the cape and antlers after the deer has been processed.

However, I wrap the tag around an antler. That way, the tag is with the deer on its way to the locker and later on its way to the taxidermist. I agree with timekiller too. I have no concerns taking it to the locker I use (probably the same one) and other than if I get sticks or sausage or something like that, I get MY deer meat back.
Thanks for the replies.

I am going to stick with my plan to try the "new" locker. The proprietors are friends of my father in law. He's taken his archery deer there for the past two years and had great results and gotten his own meat back every year. We process our own deer, but we each like to take one to the locker every year for sticks and novelty stuff. I've alway gone to Dayton's...last year he took his to this other shop and had 2/3 the bill, excellent meat, and all he had to do was field dress the animal and drop it off. I had to pretend I was a butcher for 3 hours just to get my meat to the locker. I don't mind cutting meat, but it always seems like the most perfect Saturday or Sunday of the fall when I'm stuck inside doing it!

Anyhow, if I do shoot something I'd like to mount I think I'll tag the antler and cape it out before I take it to the locker and just leave the neck in tact, then lop it off once they're ready to take the carcass.

Thanks again, guys.
Lockers will not usually give you back the tag they need it in case the DNR comes in and audits them for meat to tags. A game warden told me to leave the tag at the locker and cut a sizeable piece of hide off your deer and then if you get stopped with the cape and head all you have to do is tell the officer here is the hide and if they want to pursue it they will compare hair samples from the hide with the cape. Ran into this problem a few years ago with a mountable deer and I gave the meat to the landowner. Since it was already in my pickup he asked if I could take it to the locker for him. So I did and when the locker wouldn't let me have the tag back I called the game warden to ask him how to get the head to the taxidermist. That is the answer he gave me.
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