Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Results are in for NR draw

When I called the DNR today they told me you DO NOT lose your preference point when you apply for an antlerless tag. They also said you can't apply as a group because it's first come first serve. Each person must purchase his or her own tag.

On a brighter note for those who are going to purchase a Doe tag, they said, "don't panic", last year they had loads of tags left over and didn't expect to sell out this year either.

The cost is $150.50 for a tag, $80.50 for a license and $8.50 for a habitat stamp which comes to a grand total of $238.50 just to help reduce the burdening Doe population in Iowa (and scout bucks for next year hopefully) which keeps the land owner happy and with some well thought out butt kissing will keep your spot secured for the future.

Happy Doe hunting!
I always wondered why the Iowa DNR could not just throw a doe tag in with your successful any deer draw...... I mean I would gladly take a doe home with me every year if I got one with my anydeer tag.... To me they are missing out on 6000 pottential doe harvests....

I understand the price for a antlerless only tag but as long as guys draw a anydeer they might as well give the lucky drawers a doe tag...

I agree Gritty!... I have no idea why they don't... It is silly. For the price the NR pays they should staple two doe tags to the any sex tag... Just my thoughts ...
I agree with all NR's getting an antlerless tag with their anysex tag. Things are getting to the point at least where I hunt that someone needs to be killing does and any resident or NR that eats an anysex tag just because they do not get the big buck is not really doing us any favors. I'm not a biologist, only bowhunted Iowa EVERY year since 1973 and when I can see up to 50 deer in a single day from a single stand I'm thinking doe stew instead of tag stew. What do you say we all just quite thinking of big antlers and shoot does and scab bucks only this year?
That did not take long. Have a great season!
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