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Ridgetop Plot-to screen or not to screen

MN Slick

PMA Member
We have a plot on a ridge top that is very open to the north. It’s hard to tell from this angle but beyond the beans the ground drops leaving the deer very exposed from the north. They can see 250 yds north in some spots when feeding. We own to the north so pressure is only us but I’ve started to wonder if the deer would feel more comfortable if we screened the north edge of the plot with Miscanthus. Plot is a 1/2 acre. Beans this year, greens next year. It got a fair amount of action but I expected more. We still have a lot of beans left, though they were enlist which supposedly the deer don’t like as well so that could be a factor.

Would you guys screen it in?

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I would personally not … but most of my crop fields are “farmer” friendly . They hate working around it. Just my two cents.
If they not spooky & u not spooking the deer with entrance & exit…. I don’t think I’d do it. I spose it can’t hurt though if there’s any temptation to do it though.
We have a similar deal on 2 of our destination plots. One is road noise from the pavement about 3/4 miles away. They get touchy late season even though they can’t see the vehicles. Another plot is brutal! I don’t know if there is anything we can even do on that one. When it’s grain the turkeys will clear the field 1-3 times a night with their BS. It has some steep topo to it so when they’re coming up the hill they make a racket and blow the field up. When it’s greens there’s no birds that stick around so those years it’s a none issue.
I think we’ll wait a year and monitor the usage more. They do have a sight line from the plot to where we access other parts of the farm but it’s 250 yds and we go through there in the dark or at times when they aren’t likely to be on the plot.

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I noticed the comment in the OP about deer not liking enlist beans as well. I have read that before but questioned the validity. I have several acres of enlist beans that look great but didn’t get hammered. Lots of beans still in pods. Makes me believe there is truth to not liking enlist. Is this thought to be factual?
I have screened several plots over the years I can tell you without a doubt that it makes a gigantic difference to deer movement. The security it gives them is truly night and day.
I noticed the comment in the OP about deer not liking enlist beans as well. I have read that before but questioned the validity. I have several acres of enlist beans that look great but didn’t get hammered. Lots of beans still in pods. Makes me believe there is truth to not liking enlist. Is this thought to be factual?
I had 10 acres of standing Enlist beans on my farm. There isn't a single bean left.
I had 10 acres of standing Enlist beans on my farm. There isn't a single bean left.
Agreed. We had 2 destination plots of about 6 acres and there isn’t a bean left. My guess is if a guy is in a highly competitive neighborhood with other plotting it could be a difference but if your the main or only game in town I believe it doesn’t matter.
I've had enlist beans on a few different properties and the deer always find them, especially in late December into February. Never had a problem with them lasting beyond that.
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