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Right/Permit to Carry


Life Member
Yesterday at DNR meeting I had a discussion with NRA Rep/Lobbyist.

Here's the question.
With the law change should a bowhunter be able to sit in stand with firearm(pistol) for self protection?
I would say if its concealed and on the person, YES!

I carry mine with me everytime I am in the stand. Are you saying something recently passed that doesn't allow this?
Right now the DNR code reads you can't have a gun in your possession,unless there is a gun season open also(early or late ML).
So is it legal to carry a concealed weapon during bow season? Does the DNR code trump r to c law? Just asking a question.
Not sure what IA will decide but in KS, DNR regs trump Concealed Carry. In other words, even though I'm licensed to carry, the DNR says I can not have ANY firearm on me while archery hunting.
Touchy subject. Why do you need a firearm on your side in the state of Iowa to protect yourself from? Serious question. I have never been threatened where I have feared my life at all while bow hunting.

Now if we had some of the predators that western states do, wolves, cougers (an actuall large population), bears, then maybe I would carry a side arm just for that.
Why do you need a firearm on your side in the state of Iowa to protect yourself from?

Because you CAN! Its your RIGHT as a law-abiding American citizen.

I think the 2nd Amendment should trump the DNR's ruling, however I understand WHY they have it in place... I don't agree with it, but I understand....
In Minneosta Im pretty sure the only time a bow hunter can carry a sidearm is when hunting bears or during an open firearms deer season. When archery hunting for deer the law states no firearm in possession.
Yesterday at DNR meeting I had a discussion with NRA Rep/Lobbyist.

Here's the question.
With the law change should a bowhunter be able to sit in stand with firearm(pistol) for self protection?

I highlighted the law change part because while the legislation changed to read SHALL issue from MAY issue, I think we should maybe look at the scenario this way- Even though there was a change to how or when permits are issued, the concealed carry permits are not new. They've existed for many years, and I would reasonably expect that several bowhunters have had permits for many years. I would guess (without doing any research) that whatever regulation was previously in place for handguns during archery season would stay the same. It may be your right to carry a pistol, but I'm sure the state looks at it as a privilege to shoot their deer and they're going to tell you how they want you to be armed while doing it during a designated archery season.
Because you CAN! Its your RIGHT as a law-abiding American citizen.
I really think a poachers firearm of choice is the high power...but, if there is one that enjoys the challenge of the handgun, he will continue to climb up in his tree with his handgun and bow no matter what the law states and the law abiding citizen will leave his at home. When that law passed, we were to have graduated from that way of thinking.JMO
I have been chased back up a tree by wild dogs.That is what changed my mind to ALWAYS carry my pistol with me. My bow was still on the hoist and i carry it out of the woods in a case, if I hadn't been close to my tree who knows what would of happened.
I understand it is your RIGHT as an American to carry, own and posses a firearm, but federal law and state laws not always run hand and hand with each other.

I will stand up for the right to bear arms at any point in time, but where does the line need to be drawn? It is archery season, so that means we can carry a firearm to the stand with us? The second amendment also states that I have the right to own, carry and posses an AR 15, but Iowa DNR does not think that I should have that in my stand for personal protection during archery season. I know, a little radical in the comparison, but if in danger, I would much rather have my AR with a 30 round clip than a handgun.

But don't take it the wrong way, I feel as an American, I should have my rights as a gun owner, and I plan to use my right to own and posses a firearm if me or my family is ever in serious danger, or to go out and enjoy the outdoors through hunting, but when I go bowhunting, I will probably leave the firearms (pistols, shotguns and rifles) at home.
I like your thought Brian.

I know..I know, I'm not even an American but I still really like Brian's point of view.
Because you CAN! Its your RIGHT as a law-abiding American citizen.

I think the 2nd Amendment should trump the DNR's ruling, however I understand WHY they have it in place... I don't agree with it, but I understand....

X 2...end of debate
Those of us who have a permit to carry a concealed weapon have proven we have the skill and rational to do just that. Some ask why a person feels the need for a concealed permit. There are many reasons. You may be in possession of valuables or simply personal protection. I personally don't carry while bowhunting, but if i lived where there has been conflict with tresspassing hunters; etc. I wouldn't hesitate to carry. If i wanted to poach a deer; i wouldn't use my 44.
No guns while bow hunting makes a CO's job easier. We are presumed innocent so carrying a hand gun while in posession of a CCP should be OK. But if a CO happens to find me dragging out a dead deer with a bow and a pistol, CCP or not there is gonna be an investigation.

Personally if I had a CCP the gun would stay home or in the truck. But another thing to think about would you rather leave it in the truck where it could get stolen or in your pack where it is safe? In that regard I think I'd rather have it with me. Does anyone know if there is are lot of hunter's trucks/cars that are broken into while on stand?

The 'Bonker
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I will stand up for the right to bear arms at any point in time, but where does the line need to be drawn?
The time to stand up is now. The problem with drawing lines is that it can be drawn right down the middle of the freedom you cherish most...thankfully the Supreme Court just erased the lines drawn in Chicago and D.C.
Here our government goes again. I hate the "building fences" mentality. The logic is that if you carry a sidearm you might kill a deer with it. To make sure that you don't there is a law (no firearm while bowhunting) that takes away your 2nd amendment right. So the real question is, "Does the government have a right to amend your right for a privilege? The 2nd Amendment says they don't. However who in government pays attention to the constitution? Now what we have are groups of laws. It's against the law to shoot a deer with a fireman during bow season. So we want another law making it easier for law enforcement to catch the bad guys before they commit the crime. It's the same in Arkansas. The Arkansas Game and Fish made it illegal to shoot snakes because they didn't want people shooting off bridges although it was already illegal to shoot off a bridge. It's illegal to drive hazardously but now cell phone texting is illegal. But it is legal to drink a Big Gulp, eat a Big Mac, watch your DVD, and read your newspaper while driving as long as it isn't done in a hazardous manner? I would carry a sidearm if allowed due to the packs of wild dogs I have encountered. There's nothing that makes your neck hairs stand on end more than finding out you have been circled and surrounded by a pack of snarling animals. Fortunately I stared them down and then resolved the issue later with the other folks who hunted the land. SSS worked well. On the other hand trappers get to carry sidearms and they are trusted not to shoot illegal game. So we don't have to worry "Big Brother" will think for us and take care of us and everything will be fine as long as we send him our money. I wonder what Dan'l Boone would have thought about all of this? I guess that's why he wanted to move every time he saw smoke from a neighbors cabin. He didn't want to get hemmed in. Just ranting. I'm thankful that we can still hunt and fish and enjoy the outdoors.
coyote season is open all the time, so the way i see it is i should legaly be able to be in my stand with a gun and a bow, because i can be deer hunting (with bow) and/or coyote hunting with what ever i want to shoot him with!
if i have a coyote screwing up my hunt day after day, i will be waiting with something more than just my bow!!
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