I understand it is your RIGHT as an American to carry, own and posses a firearm, but federal law and state laws not always run hand and hand with each other.
I will stand up for the right to bear arms at any point in time, but where does the line need to be drawn? It is archery season, so that means we can carry a firearm to the stand with us? The second amendment also states that I have the right to own, carry and posses an AR 15, but Iowa DNR does not think that I should have that in my stand for personal protection during archery season. I know, a little radical in the comparison, but if in danger, I would much rather have my AR with a 30 round clip than a handgun.
But don't take it the wrong way, I feel as an American, I should have my rights as a gun owner, and I plan to use my right to own and posses a firearm if me or my family is ever in serious danger, or to go out and enjoy the outdoors through hunting, but when I go bowhunting, I will probably leave the firearms (pistols, shotguns and rifles) at home.