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Right/Permit to Carry

Here our government goes again. I hate the "building fences" mentality. The logic is that if you carry a sidearm you might kill a deer with it. To make sure that you don't there is a law (no firearm while bowhunting) that takes away your 2nd amendment right. So the real question is, "Does the government have a right to amend your right for a privilege? The 2nd Amendment says they don't. However who in government pays attention to the constitution? Now what we have are groups of laws. It's against the law to shoot a deer with a fireman during bow season. So we want another law making it easier for law enforcement to catch the bad guys before they commit the crime. It's the same in Arkansas. The Arkansas Game and Fish made it illegal to shoot snakes because they didn't want people shooting off bridges although it was already illegal to shoot off a bridge. It's illegal to drive hazardously but now cell phone texting is illegal. But it is legal to drink a Big Gulp, eat a Big Mac, watch your DVD, and read your newspaper while driving as long as it isn't done in a hazardous manner? I would carry a sidearm if allowed due to the packs of wild dogs I have encountered. There's nothing that makes your neck hairs stand on end more than finding out you have been circled and surrounded by a pack of snarling animals. Fortunately I stared them down and then resolved the issue later with the other folks who hunted the land. SSS worked well. On the other hand trappers get to carry sidearms and they are trusted not to shoot illegal game. So we don't have to worry "Big Brother" will think for us and take care of us and everything will be fine as long as we send him our money. I wonder what Dan'l Boone would have thought about all of this? I guess that's why he wanted to move every time he saw smoke from a neighbors cabin. He didn't want to get hemmed in. Just ranting. I'm thankful that we can still hunt and fish and enjoy the outdoors.

Right on!
Concealed or not, my handguns smell like Hoppe's powder solvent and gun oil. Heck, I can even smell them! I don't want them anywhere near me when I'm in my treestand!!!
Yesterday at DNR meeting I had a discussion with NRA Rep/Lobbyist.

Here's the question.
With the law change should a bowhunter be able to sit in stand with firearm(pistol) for self protection?

I am going to have to agree with Timekiller on this one. The right to carry already exists (conceal or not concealed). A conceal carry law already exists too. All that changed was how the law on how a conceal carry "shall" be issued.

I'll also say that all of us should promote "some" laws that make is easier for enforcement, all be it "before" the crime is committed. Unless we could have an enforcement officer follow all of us one on one to babysit us 24/7 to keep us compliant, we need some. I agree those making the laws go overboard in some cases. We all see abuse of laws or loopholes. I am one of the people who pushed to do away with the "temptation tag". If you know what I am talking about, you know the tag but you also know it was against the law to use it how so many people did. There are many other examples in and out of the hunting arena.
I wonder how these individuals would feel about this discussion.

"(CNN) -- Sheriff's deputies were investigating the killings of five hunters Sunday in northwestern Wisconsin, apparently sparked by a hunting dispute that turned violent.
Three others were wounded, said Julie Veness, an emergency medical technician in Exeland, Wisconsin.
Saturday was the opening of the nine-day deer season, and the shooting appeared to stem from a dispute over land in the heavily wooded area, Veness said.
"Apparently, the person was asked to leave and get out of his deer stand, and he didn't take it very well and he fired away at them," she said.
A state police official said a man wanted in connection with the shootings has been arrested, but no details were immediately available. The Sawyer County Sheriff's Department, which is investigating the killings, had no comment.
Jennifer Greshowak, spokeswoman for Lakeview Medical Center in Rice Lake, said three wounded men from the same hunting party were brought to that facility after suffering gunshot wounds. One of the three was transferred to a hospital in nearby Marshfield, she said.
The other two -- identified by relatives as Denny Drew and Lauren Hasebeck -- were recovering from surgery at Lakeview. Drew was in serious condition, while Hesebeck was listed in fair condition, their families said in a statement issued Sunday night.
"Our families certainly appreciate the thoughts and prayers of this close-knit community, and encourage you to think and pray for the other families involved," the statement said.
Veness said the killings have shocked Exeland, a village of 219 people about 135 miles northeast of Minneapolis.
"It just doesn't happen in this neck of the woods," she said. "We don't expect any of this to happen." "
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The previous story happened a few years ago when the suspect shot several members of the same hunting party, who were armed with rifles, with an AK-47 he was using to hunt deer with. I don't think a handgun would make a difference in this case.
I have to agree this was certainly not a concealed weapon issue at all. I have hunted alone in all kinds of seasons and with all kinds of weapons and have honestly never really been so concerned about my personal safety that any kind of a hand gun would have made any difference, with one exception. When I was bear hunting both with a muzzleloader and with a primitive bow, I did carry my old Ruger .357. It just made me feel a little better about being 15 feet up a tree 30 feet from a pile of bait and knowing that a black bear could be in the stand with me before I could finish farting if I made a poor shot. While there might be many justifications to carry a concealed weapon I don't believe there are really any for it while bow hunting in Iowa, except that "I can because I have a permit to do it".
While there might be many justifications to carry a concealed weapon I don't believe there are really any for it while bow hunting in Iowa, except that "I can because I have a permit to do it".

You might never get a second chance to rethink that.

You may never need to protect yourself, but if you do the first time could well be the last....
I really don't care one way or another whether or not we can carry a pistol while bow hunting.
I will say that I can think of a lot of things that present real danger in my life. Since I I cant recall one single incident of a hunter becoming wounded or attacked while walking to his stand in Iowa, getting attacked by anything while bow hunting isn't even on the radar screen.
Be sure to get your facts straight.

The previous story happened a few years ago when the suspect shot several members of the same hunting party, who were armed with rifles, with an AK-47 he was using to hunt deer with. I don't think a handgun would make a difference in this case.

Sawyer County Chief Deputy Tim Zeigle
Zeigle said the suspect was "chasing after them and killing them, with a SKS 7.62 mm semiautomatic rifle, a common hunting weapon."
"About 20 shots were fired but it was unclear if any of the hunters had fired at the suspect or who might have shot first, Zeigle said."
"There was just one gun among the eight people killed or wounded, he said."
"The dead included a teenage boy and a woman, and a father and son, Zeigle said. Some of the victims were shot more than once. All five were from the Rice Lake area, about 15 miles southwest of Birchwood in northwestern Wisconsin, he said."
"Authorities found two bodies near each other and the others were scattered over 100 yards."
Be sure to get your facts straight.

Sawyer County Chief Deputy Tim Zeigle
Zeigle said the suspect was "chasing after them and killing them, with a SKS 7.62 mm semiautomatic rifle, a common hunting weapon."
"About 20 shots were fired but it was unclear if any of the hunters had fired at the suspect or who might have shot first, Zeigle said."
"There was just one gun among the eight people killed or wounded, he said."
"The dead included a teenage boy and a woman, and a father and son, Zeigle said. Some of the victims were shot more than once. All five were from the Rice Lake area, about 15 miles southwest of Birchwood in northwestern Wisconsin, he said."
"Authorities found two bodies near each other and the others were scattered over 100 yards."

Here's another fact. This was a mass murder where several of the victims were ambushed by a gunman armed with a 7.62 high capacity rifle. The victims were at an enormous tactical disadvantage, and at least one of them was armed with a rifle. I don't think a handgun would have been much help. I'd bet against Wild Bill Hickok in that situation.
I can go sit on private property in a tree stand anytime of the year in full camo with my .270 in hand and .45 on my side, .32 in my boot and it is perfectly legal...why should it change if you have a bow and tag in hand? Would it be illegal if you also had a bow without a tag? Would it be illegal to have a bow tag in your fanny pack with no bow in hand, hunting coyotes with a gun? The point being is the opportunity is there for a poacher to poach no matter what the law states so don't gouge into my freedoms because of a few bad apples.
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