Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Road "Hunter"


Ms Delta
About 5:45 pm, Monday, January 18th, someone shot a small 6 point from the road the runs by our farm. This "hunter" was driving a fairly late model, dark colored Chevy S-10 4x4 in Van Buren County. The deer lies rotting in the field.

The landowners on and around this property would be interested if you have any information about the driver of this truck.

Thank you.

walt 662-902-4847
We'll keep our eyes open Walt...thanks for posting because until they get caught they'll keep on shooting and it might be on my place next!:(
Thrill-killers most likely, bunch of punk dirt-bags!!! I witnessed exact same thing on my buddy's land below des moines this year & I called DNR after I chased em but couldn't quite get plates. Hope they get nailed!!!!
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