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Road Hunters

I know there's nothing I can do, and don't mind it as much during the late summer, but when it's the fall & winter and they disrupt your hunting its a different story. These deer are so scared of vehicles it's ridiculous. I can be over a 1/4 mile away from the road hunting on a creek edge have 5 deer in front of me and if a truck even slows down on the road to look at them, they take off running. That's the stuff that pisses me off.
The only proof I have of bad intentions by these guys are gun shots at 2am and other times of the night. Once they see headlights, heading in there direction, they take off before you can catch up with them. I'm not going to get into a wreck chasing someone that probably has a loaded gun in their vehicle as it is.
I like your ideas. I think I'll start writing down plate #'s.
I wouldn't be surprised that if DNR were to use one of those mechanical deer on our property or surrounding farm, they would have a new fleet of trucks, arsenal of guns and thousands of $'s in fines in one weekend.
I have to retract my previous statement. After reading a few responses I know that I am guilty of driving thousands of miles each summer/fall/winter glassing, videoing, and taking pictures of deer on other peoples property all the time. The one thing I don't do is take off if I see a landowner coming. I always say hello and explain what I'm doing. More often than not, even if they're a hunter, they don't get bent out of shape. Probably because of my innocent looking face. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

Anyway, I would make an effort to see if these people are trying to whack a deer or if they're just driving around looking at animals.

Good luck.
I am guilty of slowing down and checking out deer. By doing so, I found a great spot for deer. I stopped and talked to the homeowner and he gave me permission to hunt on his property as the deer were eating his hay. So sometimes its a good thing /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
I'm as guilty as the next guy for driving around and LOOKING, stopping and glassing and videoing. A deers range can be miles so in that radius there's several "farms" I don't have permission to hunt, but it doesn't deter me from gathering as much info as I can from the roads.

In no way would I ever drive away if someone approached me to ask what I was doing. That immediately admits wrong-doing/poor intentions if you ask me.

I deal with the same thing along the roads of the land(s) I hunt. People always driving by and slowing down or stopping...which eventually spooks the deer. It really sucks for me b/c I hunt some hay fields that butt right up to the road.

If you know they're poaching or breaking hunting laws, then be sure to make your presence known...If they think they're being watched or consistently see "activity" along your road, they won't be as likely to stop.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: doublerack</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I know there's nothing I can do, and don't mind it as much during the late summer, but when it's the fall & winter and they disrupt your hunting its a different story. These deer are so scared of vehicles it's ridiculous. I can be over a 1/4 mile away from the road hunting on a creek edge have 5 deer in front of me and if a truck even slows down on the road to look at them, they take off running. That's the stuff that pisses me off.
The only proof I have of bad intentions by these guys are gun shots at 2am and other times of the night. Once they see headlights, heading in there direction, they take off before you can catch up with them. I'm not going to get into a wreck chasing someone that probably has a loaded gun in their vehicle as it is.
I like your ideas. I think I'll start writing down plate #'s.
I wouldn't be surprised that if DNR were to use one of those mechanical deer on our property or surrounding farm, they would have a new fleet of trucks, arsenal of guns and thousands of $'s in fines in one weekend. </div></div> Now there's an idea, why don't YOU set up a decoy and video camera to see if anyone shoots at it. If they do then turn it into the DNR. I'm sure word would get around then your not happy with it.
We have this problem year in and year out. We are currently in the process of purchasing several hundred cedars to plant, doing the research to see which ones are the most deer and bug proof. Everytime I see someone rolling down the road and glassing I pull up behind them, some take off, some talk, the ones that take off I usually follow unless they are flying down the gravel.

Post TIP signs and post a bunch of them, I think they are something like 10 for a $1 at the Deer Classic, bost them every 100 yds or so along with your normal signs this also seems to help. Finally, call the Game Warden, let him know about specious activity and see if he can do some extra cruising in the area, have all your neighbors do the same, this actually helped us quite a bit until the state lost more funds and the wardens quit cruising.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I deal with the same thing along the roads of the land(s) I hunt. People always driving by and slowing down or stopping...which eventually spooks the deer. It really sucks for me b/c I hunt some hay fields that butt right up to the road.</div></div>
The deer around here are just the opposite. There were 12 of them crossing the road right in a residential neighborhood right down the street from the public hunting ground. Ground where I didnt see a single deer for 3 days during first season shotgun. I stopped right next to them, deer 5 yards from my truck, I took down my window and told the deer "Head down the street and let me have a shot at you". She just looked at me like "good luck buddy"...

There are about 5 deer that wait in the evergreen bushes by the road down by my house. Soon as it hits dark they cross the road and eat the farmers hay. I roll down my window and stop and look at them and they dont seem to even care.
We have a mile 1/2 deadend road, and starting in oct. the traffic picks up. Young and old seem to do it. I watched from my treestand an older couple come by in the morning and the back again in the afternoon. in the afternoon they noticed my dads decoy in the field but not his groundblind. They started honking thier horn trying to get the deer to move, I almost fell out of the tree watching my oldman coming running out waving his arms. Hey it does suck but the deer just seem to stand back in the trees and wait for them to leave.
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