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Real? Fake? Who cares. The bottom line is the guy is a NUT! Just my Opinion, and as usual, the only one I care about.
DITO! As I said in my earlier post you feed alot of information to people and pretty soon they start to wonder and start to believe. That is why we have so many innocent murderers, child molesters, and thiefs running the streets today because a good attorney can distort the truth and make a jury believe they are innocent even though the evidence is strong! Reasonable doubt! None here! Fake! Its like Mitch Rompola being convicted of a crime and having the evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he is innocent yet he decides to spend time in jail due to principle. Give me a break!
I think his deer are real and I believe he as been consistent by not having entered any deer before or after into B&C or P&Y. Give the guy a break, it appears he is making zero claims and is asking for nothing. He simply is not going to be part of the whole thing. I'll bet if it where a fake the Hanson people would not have cared enough to bother with the legal document they had him sign. I don't know why anybody would accuse him of anything other than maybe being eccentric. I would never do what he has done but I am not him.
I just read the article in Deer and Deer Hunting about the "Rompola Buck Update". Not a lot of new information here.

My only conclusion is... the guy is truely obsessed with hunting mature whitetail bucks.

It really doesn't appear he had anything to gain by faking the rack.

The hunting world may never know!
I don't know if I'd say he didn't have anything to gain by faking the rack. One thing is for sure, he would have nothing to lose if he would just have it X-rayed and prove if it is real. Thus my conclusion that it is indeed fake. Such a simple way to prove it is real and shut all of his critics up for good but he wont because it is fake.
I don't know real or fake but until he tries to cash in on it... He may be a guy that just won't be bought. He refuses to conform to others expectations so he is labeled odd. People get convicted all the time and even those in a "fair" trial are sometimes later found to be innocent. Why should he have to prove anything?
Think if you shot the deer and didn't care about record books. Bet none of us could keep it from making articles and whatever else. Some things seem fishy, because he hasn't proven it real. I would have to prove it to get people/press of my back even if I didn't have it scored and entered into P&Y. Maybe he gets off on all the hype and doesn't care if people question.
Real vs. fake? I am interested simply because it is a monster buck and thats what I live for. If he hasn't had enough yet to prove its authenticity, I doubt he ever will and this will go on for years. Someday, probably after he dies and somebody else gets their hands on the rack that isn't as stubborn as he, will we actually know if the rack is authentic. In the meantime, I hope for an opportunity to take a larger one.
Buy the deer and deer hunting magazine. It has a very believable story and then see a few of his other monsters from up north that he has never entered into the books. It doesnt sound like a scam to me. I think hes been ripped off and Id be mad enough to keep it out of the publics eye too. He can now sit back and laugh at all of us trying to come up with a new rumor about this buck.
Just got done watching Rompola's home video of this deer..(again)...pretty convincing, I tend to believe it is real...but he's acting like there's something to hide. Pen raised?...maybe.

Not sure how to post the video clip here so everyone can see it, about 14,000+ kb file. I'll be glad to email it to someone who can post it.
I will believe this video when someone else is videotaping and I see Mitch pull his bow back and I see the arrow go through the deer and the camera is never shut off until he finds the deer and then I'm still not sure I would believe it. Do you people understand this guy stole food stamps and lost a federal paying job to steal food stamps how smart of a person is this??
Have all these other huge racks been x-rayed? How authentic are they??
It is just like trper is getting at if a person lies to himself long enough himself and other people start to believe it.
I refuse to buy Deer and Deer Hunting magazine this month they are playing right into Mitch's hand by giving him attention. I also refuse to buy any products that endorse Rompola they are also playing into his hand. It is like teaching a kid to lie and then reward them for not coming clean with the truth.
Like I said in an earlier post I wish this would all go away it is giving bowhunters a bad name and making a very dishonest person a poster boy for bowhunters and I hate it!! I hope we all start talking about the deer some of us Iowawhitetail.commers start taking this season and this mystery Michigan buck all goes away because the more attention this guy gets the worse the sport of bowhunting looks in the publics eye. And right now hunters don't need any bad publicity!!
I'm not going to post on this issue again maybe I will start a trend and no more attention will be given to this guy or buck!!
I the fact that many call this eccentric and a loner. The first thing he does after allegely killing this deer is video tape the recovery. I'm sure the video was for Rompola's personal viewing, Yea Right. The second thing he does is have several friends, who are scorers for various clubs, measure the buck, but Rompola wants "no publicity". He also grants several interviews to various media outlets immediately after the harvest but wants "no attention". Rompola tested the waters and realized he could not pull off the scam of the century, picked up his ball, went home, and said don't bother me. Not to mention Rompola allegedly kills B/C bucks in a region that biologically and genetically do not support such animals. I think he should try the Powerball lottery with his luck. The deer is a fake.
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