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Rub Line?

Guys, I walked around the property I hunt a little bit after I hunted this morning. I found a trail (heavily traveled by the looks of it) coming from a cornfield (can't hunt) through some timber, then through a small switchgrass field, then into some thicker timber. In my mind, the thicker timber across the grass field seems like a good bedding area. Now right on the edge of the timber and the grass, I found about a half dozen rubs on trees. A couple of them were really shredded! I'll try to get some pics up that I took from my phone. Anyway, I was thinking I could get a hang-on stand and get it up on the edge of the grass field and timber where the rubs are, maybe 10-15 yards off the trail. Will bucks be hitting those rub lines during the rut or is that mainly a pre-rut or earlier thing? Either way, with the trail there I think it'd be a good spot. There's also a good sized pond right there too, about 50 yards from the trail. Thoughts or ideas? My deer hunting knowledge is pretty limited, been a waterfowler my whole life. Thanks fellas.
A lot of rubs congregated in one spot often is a tell-tale sign of a bucks bedding area. Be careful with hanging a stand too close.
Can you get on/hunt the opposite edge of the switchgrass field right where it goes back into a piece of timber before getting to the cornfield?

If so you might want to hang there so that you are not right in his bedroom but might catch him headed out to the corn to feed or check does...just a thought.

Good luck!
Thanks for the responses. Anyone else?

I may try to either move one of my ladder stands down fairly close to there (maybe between the cornfield and the tree rubs). Or I may go buy a new one. Just had a birthday so I have some extra money for once. I'd really like to get a climber and try it out, but dang they're expensive!
Staging areas get tore up with rubs, too, and this time of year most bucks could care less about there own bedding area. I'd guess that if the rubs and the trail all look fresh, you've got a spot that's hot right now. Sometimes this time of year the bucks have specific destinations in mind and a heavy trail will pop up between those places during the rut. When this happens often times there will be cluster rubs at either destination, sort of a connect the dots whitetail style.

I'd say if the sign is fresh, get on it! Go early and stay late. :D Good luck! :way:
good points guys. I would stay far enough away from the main bedding, but I think it would warrant a stand and a sit or two
Thanks MadisonB&C. I'm still debating whether or not I want to move one of my 2 stands or just go buy another one. I'd really like to just move one of my 2, but I feel like both of them are in good spots. Either of them would be damn easy to move though, as they are ladder stands. I'd just need to snag one of my buddies for a little while. Unstrap it from the tree, my buddy and I carry it about 100 yards, and put it right back up.

If this year produces any good bucks, or even good buck sitings, I will be adding a few more stands and maybe a trail cam or two.
These rainy days are perfect for moving bulky ladder stands, quiet and scent washed away. I'd get it done soon. In my world that'd be the ideal set up for a walk in and hang Lone Wolf set up.
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