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Running deer vs. slug velocity

coyotekiller said:
To river ratt and anyone else with his views regarding wounded game of any kind. You are all low down, scumbag, pieces of crap. You give peta more power than any ethical hunter out there. Come to my farm, I'll be happy to educate you on how it feels to walk around wounded. I'm easy to find...........ck

Wow. I agree that shooting at deer that are running is not right, but honestly, I've done it before, never hit the deer, but felt bad and disappointed in myself. What you are saying here "ck" is way overboard though, and tasteless.

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Its not unethical to take shots at running deer with a gun, period...QUOTE]

Ummm........ OK Annie Oakley.

If you were shooting at running deer to feed your starving family or for survival then sure. But in todays age its a sport, not a necessity Period!
I don't shoot at running deer. I like to hear gun go bang and see deer fall down. I walked up on a doe I had wounded once. She was still alert when I found her and able to look me in the eye. Never again.

To river ratt and anyone else with his views regarding wounded game of any kind. You are all low down, scumbag, pieces of crap. You give peta more power than any ethical hunter out there. Come to my farm, I'll be happy to educate you on how it feels to walk around wounded. I'm easy to find...........ck

OK...lets say that you are sitting comfortably in a blind on the edge of a 300 acre picked cornfield and you look up and see the largest buck you have ever layed eyes on in all of your hunting days. He is on a dead run straight at you which takes several moments for him to cross the big field which gives you plently of time to analize him and shot senerios. Your heart is pounding out of your chest as he gets closer and it doesn't look like he is going to stop and give you a 'perfect' shot....so you would let him run right on by you? If you say yes I say BS. I would not be so quick to judge others. In the heat of the moment who knows what one will do. Throwing lead at a deer 200 yds away on a dead run would be different but to say you would 'never' shoot at a running deer isn't giving yourself much credit as a hunter.
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This stuff kindof makes me laugh.. I agree it was a little overboard as to how it was stated above but if it's considered un-ethical to shoot at running deer, then why is it un-ethical to shoot waterfowl sitting on the water? I guarantee a lot more game birds are wounded from flying shots than deer are from running shots, but I also guarantee not a single person here would only shoot ducks off the water because it would wound less game. Nobody likes to wound game, no matter what it is, but, it's part of the hunt and part of the challenge. I shot at 5 running does this weekend (killed 4 and completely missed the other). I do agree that some people have no business shooting at a running deer or even shooting at anything for that matter. I think the big problem with slug hunting is the majority are people who don't hunt for anything but for deer one weekend a year and they grab their shotgun off the shelf with a buffet of different kinds of slugs, never properly sight in and go out and try to shoot something.
Pretty sure I would have starved to death back in the day if I had waited for a deer that was standing perfectly still during shotgun season! Around here I don't think they stop running until season is over! :D
Know wonder yalls deer shed horns so quick yall run them though so much stuff there horns have to fall off so them can run in thick stuff! Just kidding! I'd a huge buck run in front if me I would shoot at it if its 100 yds. are less.
Yea prob overboard. was directed at people who feel it is ok to wound a deer and let it die somewhere else just to wait for the next one to come along. They are what they are and what I stated. They don't even merit defense. As I said, I don't shoot running deer. Believe as you will. I only shoot at big bucks and the thought of me leavin one off to die somewhere because of poor judgement is out of the question. This is my choice and I am one of "those" guys who feel the hunt alone is worth the price of the tag. No, I didn't fill my early muzzy tag this year. I had a 170/175 12 pt. at 70 yds but needed a little more time before I felt it was light enough to take a shot and he walked off before I could. I have never lost a deer and I don't feel it is a necessary part of the hunt. I'll take a spankin when I need one, but over this. I felt that my post was very clear. Directed at some of the very people, ya'll have been pissin about for over a week. I assure you, I'll not post again on this topic, or any other.............happy trails
I assure you, I'll not post again on this topic, or any other.............happy trails

I hope your just pissed, and will be back, Im getting more and more in to coyote hunting but know almost nothing. You seem to have a wealth of knowledge on the topic. Id like to know more.
I agree with Antlerfreak. Don't leave the site because you are pissed off momentarily. Too many guys on this site are way to sensitive and hesitate to get into a good debate. That's what forums are all about IMO, opinions will differ and things can get heated from time to time, but if kept somewhat civil they are fun. Differences in opinions are how alot of good conversations get started. :way:

OK, back to the debate. Shoot or don't shoot... that is the question :D
Can't kill em if ya don't shoot, coyotes gotta eat too, if it's brown its down, Bambi's mom was shot on the run, running deer are why the gun holds 5 shells, My truck goes faster than a deer can run, wounded the first one.... the next one will be by shortly, if they run out of sight obviously I missed.

That's all I got guys :D:D:moon:
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I agree with Antlerfreak. Don't leave the site because you are pissed off momentarily. Too many guys on this site are way to sensitive and hesitate to get into a good debate. That's what forums are all about IMO, opinions will differ and things can get heated from time to time, but if kept somewhat civil they are fun. Differences in opinions are how alot of good conversations get started. :way:


Hey dedgeez, my 9 showed back up the other day, Its scary how similar they are, Ill send you a pic sometime.
coyotekiller said:
To river ratt and anyone else with his views regarding wounded game of any kind. You are all low down, scumbag, pieces of crap. You give peta more power than any ethical hunter out there. Come to my farm, I'll be happy to educate you on how it feels to walk around wounded. I'm easy to find...........ck

D@mn yall its a freakin deer! Ya we all jump a shot or pull and hit a deer wrong some time or another. If you think you can make the shot then do it. If you think you cant then don't. It's like Ted nugent sayed thats why God made more deer.
Good to hear! I hope you can get on him during late muzzleloader. Look forward to seeing him :way:
You are all low down, scumbag, pieces of crap. You give peta more power than any ethical hunter out there. Come to my farm, I'll be happy to educate you on how it feels to walk around wounded. I'm easy to find...........ck

i lost some respect for you with that post. going by your stance on this subject, i can only assume you have NEVER taken a shot at a running coyote either
There has been a similar thread going on AT today, started by an Iowa resident titled "The Orange Army makes me sad". This is what I had to say on the subject.

This past weekend was the first time I had been out during Iowa shotgun season in a very long time. I went on one deer drive years ago and decided it was not for me. The only reason I was out this past weekend was to help my 11 yr old try to fill his youth tag. We were not even supposed to be there as the agreement we have with this farmer was we get it for bow and late muzzy but the shotgun seasons were his. However, after seeing what we did during bow season he decided he was not going to let his ground be driven and invited me to bring out my boy to sit in a blind. Listening to the drives going on on the surrounding property reminded me why I stay in town with my bow for these three weeks. As much as I don't like the fact that some hunters will not be able to control their blood lust and take low percentage shots at running deer and I despise the practice of sharing tags for party hunting I would stand up with my slug launching brothers in opposition to any attempts to do something as rash as outlaw deer drives. I picked up a bow because I think the regs give me an advantage over gun hunters, I have never even killed a deer with a gun. I get 2 months, including the rut, to get it done depending on which shotgun season you choose the most you get is 9 days.
The only reason Iowas shotgun seasons are were they are is because when Iowa first started their deer seasons we also had pheasants (remember those?) and hunters did not want to interrupt pheasant season with deer season. There are many more of them then us. Be careful about how critical you get of the way others hunt, especially when their group outnumbers yours. Party hunting and deer drives have deep roots in Iowa. Though I may not like how a lot of people do it I take solace in the fact that there will still be deer around come next October. On that note if your really worried about the future of Iowa's deer hunting your real concerns should be our DNR, the Governor and the fact that a lot of cover is being lost to high commodity prices. That should probably be in reverse order.
I agree it was a little overboard as to how it was stated above but if it's considered un-ethical to shoot at running deer, then why is it un-ethical to shoot waterfowl sitting on the water? I guarantee a lot more game birds are wounded from flying shots than deer are from running shots, QUOTE]

For the life of me, I cant come up with a good argument for this!:thrwrck:
I agree it was a little overboard as to how it was stated above but if it's considered un-ethical to shoot at running deer, then why is it un-ethical to shoot waterfowl sitting on the water? I guarantee a lot more game birds are wounded from flying shots than deer are from running shots, QUOTE]

For the life of me, I cant come up with a good argument for this!:thrwrck:

I could. I've watched crippled ducks take multiple patterns and keep going until they get a pellet in the head. It can be tough to get killing pellets through closed wings when a bird is on the water.

I would equate taking longer range shots at a deer running full out with sky busting birds or flock shooting. If a shot connects it is going to take a good bit of luck to make the recovery. I like them cupped up over the decoys.:way: That's just how I feel.
I'm guessing this same thread comes up year after year. The tactics are legal and running deer are shot at and wounded each and every year. Go to your local range the week before shotgun season and watch all teh guy 'sighting in their guns'. You'll see why.

I hunted with a shotgun group once. I had fun and the hunt produces many animals. But, I'm a bow hunter by heart. I'll gladly sit and wait with a muzzy, but driving deer never seemed to be that difficult to me.

That said, as long as its legal it's fine with me. Hopefully more hunters are smart enough to take better percentage shots. I don't like encountering a wounded deer that took a slug in a bad place. Just as bad seeing deer left for dead by hunters who 'didn't want them'.
Those who can

I grew up in Arkansas when it was legal to use dogs to hunt deer. Those days are gone. However in that environment I learned how to shoot at running deer. What it meant to wait til they smoothed out. How to line up on the nose, keep the flow going, get out in front and squeeze the trigger. It was the same with hunting ducks and quail. You learned how. You knew your lead time. At deer camp if you missed a deer you had your shirt tail cut off and you were publicly shamed for missing. The result was two fold. A lot of guys wouldn't shoot at running deer because they didn't want the risk of failure. Other guys shot and killed deer on the run as a regular habit because they knew they could. At our camp there was seldom a run on a wounded deer. This was in the days of Bucks only, Thirty - Thirties, and sleeping in barracks. The point is, only take shots you are comfortable with. Know your limitations. A dead shot who can shoot a running deer and harvest it is more ethical than someone who is shooting at a standing deer when they don't have a clue of the ballistics of their firearm. It isn't the shot that's unethical but the failure of the shooter to practice the shot until the shot becomes a done deal before the bullet leaves the barrel. Like the guys at deer camp used to say, "Until you can hit the pie plate ten out ten times you ain't ready." Some pie plates were on posts at different distances. The hardest one was in a tire which was on a cable on a hill. Sometimes just for fun we rolled the tires down the hill and they bounced in the air as they went down hill. We had old timers who made those shots every time. I don't shot gun hunt but sometimes I miss the old days.
if you drive deer and do it legally, there's nothing anyone can do about that, and thats your right. But I spend all of my time during shotgun seasons out checking farm and scouting for ducks/geese and it really turns my stomach to see deer just running all day nonstop to a point where they are foaming at the mouth and have no idea where to go. I just do not see the fun in this approach, but obviously there are those that do and i would be willing to bet 9/10 of them don't deer hunt but once a year.
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