Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Running number of bucks seen all season

Got a late start this year because of illnesses then had to paint new house and move during rut vacation!

Times out = 21

Passed within 30 yards

1 1/2 yr bucks = 15
2 1/2 yr bucks = 13
3 1/2 yr bucks = 4
4 1/2 yr bucks = 4
Does = 39

Beyond 30 yards

1 1/2 years = 27
2 1/2 years = 24
3 1/2 years = 9
4 1/2 + = 6
Does = 172

Harvested = 1 doe (11-1-03)
= 150" 10pt (12-05-03)
last night- 3 bucks 6 does pretty good night, but tonight 4 bucks 3 does and one of the 4 was a nice one, i was setting on the edge of a cornfield that the farmers were pickin when i was in my stand. They chased the big guy right out and pry 50 yards away but wouldn't come in any closer. The farmer watched the whole thing. I went and talked to him after it got dark out and said that was the biggest deer he had ever seen, he really wanted me to get it!!
3 times out= 12 hours in the tree..... 0 bucks, 6 doe's.... i need a new game plan!!
Went out this mourning again. Two little bucks and seven does. Same little bucks everyday. Really need some corn to get picked!!!!
8 times out
29 does or antlerless, 3 bucks. Called in a really big 8 pointer by rattling but couldn't get him out of the brush.
Hey guys,
Today (10-26-03) first day I have hunted 6:20am 135" 10 point cruising with his nose to the ground. Passed up a 15 yard shot, 8:10am 4 point rolled by! Good luck to all!
Haven't posted (or scored) yet but here's what I've seen so far in five times out:

Six bucks - a spike, 3 sixes, 2 eights

25 does plus a bunch more driving to and from.

I've been seeing alot of small bucks and a few does up until last week. I saw 2 different 125" 10 pointers last week in the mornings, they were hard to pass on when they stood 15 yards broadside for several minutes. I got some great video of them scraping and drooling.
I saw 2 Booners last thursday night, but fate was not in my favor. The first one did not come in, the second came in soo fast to the horn I never new he was there until he got sketchy. Sunday Nov. the 9th I had a nice 9 (120") pointer run by chasing a doe at 2:30. Then at 4:20 big daddy gave me the back door slip once again, no matter where i sit, he comes in down wind. He is the biggest deer I've ever seen from a stand, probably 185"
. He still hasn't spooked, he just walks off leaving me in dissappointment. I will try and give him the slip later this week. I'll update you later, I'm getting ready to slip into one of my hotspots for the afternoon. It hasn't seen a hunter since I shot my 140" out there last year!!!
Saw two nice bucks last weekend, on the same day. The first one was chasing a doe, he got 20 yards a way. I got him to stop, but he stoped right behind a tree! I drew back on him but couldn't get a shot. So he ran off with his doe. Not 10 minutes later a nother buck came by. His rack wasn't as wide, but really relly dall, and very dark. He was about forty yards a way, and i thought i was going to get this one for sure. He was walking straight towards me just feeding. But, he turned and headed south west, and I watched him walk off. After that day, i haven't seen to many deer. I'm going to go out and give it a try here soon. Maybe i'll see one of the two again!
Saw two more bucks today. And about 15 does! Well the first buck was small, but the second one was a respetable buck.
46 times in different stands
77 total doe sightings
80 buck sightings This includes 3 giant 8 pointers 140 or better 2 150+ 10 pointers, a real goofy looking non-typical..score unknown and a giant 180class 12-14point
lord, I feel like I am SERIOUSLY missing the boat here.....

25 outings since Sept 13th (archery opener) (Rifle opener is Oct 18 here)

1 Very Nice 10pt.(130 class)shot at a ranged 622yds. (.300RUM)

1 Very nice 8pt (130 class)
ranged at 1026yds, did not shoot due to high wind

1 Smallish, but very good potential 8pt (80-90 class) 2yr old within spearing distance

1 4pt missing one side

2 spikes

36 does

Muddy, you will let me come up and spend my vacation with you next year right?
Bad year for me, never made it into my bow stand, only gun hunted 3 days

1 little buck, 1 decent buck DOS (died on sighting).

Went muzzle loading in a doe only area,

1 really nice buck
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