Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



Wondering if anyones seein any rutting activity. I havent been out for a couple weeks, going this weekend with this coldfront i think theyre gonna move. Any thoughts? Hopin theyll be on theyre feet nd maybe startin to run..
I have been seeing some light sparing but no real chasing. Looking forward to this coming weekend... hope the WX man is right :)
Last night had a nice 140" following a doe. Wouldn't consider it hard chasing but he was right up behind her.
Ive been out 4 times and just had a young buck pushin some does around but thats been about it, havent Seen 1 mature buck. With the temps This weekend and the rut about to kick in i expect alot of harvest pics.
I posted this on another thread, but I have been seeing the does moving to freely to really think much rut activity is taking place.

Once the switch is flipped it seems like the does are very skittish and you just don't see as many moving in the open.
Went out yesterday morning and have a nice 8 chasing a doe and grunting. I was a little surprised to see that but he was on her good, he wasted no time.
I was out this weekend for 8 hours and was able to see a nice ten chasing a doe and yearling. Also had a 3-4 year old wide 8 and a 7 pointer sparring. Had a few more does come by than normal also.
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