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I have 5 bags of rye that I was planning on drilling in on some bare dirt just to provide soil cover, etc, over the winter and spring. With day after day of no rain, I waited until there was rain in the forecast and alas, there was none. So now I late, late in the planting window but I am thinking of just drilling it in and seeing what happens. Since I am drilling it and not broadcasting it I feel like I won't lose seed to the birds, etc, but who knows when it will germinate.

Most of the area where I planned on putting the rye are places that I would like to establish switch grass next spring/summer. Is it feasible/advisable to drill it now and then over drill into it late next spring with the switch? I am not doing this to provide food, although I suppose that could be a side benefit next spring. TIA.
For what it's worth, we're going to be seeding some rye for cover crop and erosion control on farm land here soon. I'd be surprised if it sprouts now but come spring it'll be the first thing to green up and will provide food/soil protection first thing this spring.

As far as seeding it prior to switch, I think now would be good. May not grow but come spring you'll have green food and soil protection. Plus help hold back some weeds. May not even need to terminate it prior to drilling your switch, depending on when you're planting switch?
Winter rye will germinate and grow in mid to upper 30 degree temps. If you are drilling it and get a rain or any soil moisture there is a good chance it gets up yet this fall and has some growth to it. I think Daver you are in the southern part of Iowa and I know a lot of people that put cover crops on after corn harvest and this is a record fast harvest so I know a lot normally goes in after this. In my area we are DRY tho so that could be more of an issue than temps.
Winter rye will germinate and grow in mid to upper 30 degree temps. If you are drilling it and get a rain or any soil moisture there is a good chance it gets up yet this fall and has some growth to it. I think Daver you are in the southern part of Iowa and I know a lot of people that put cover crops on after corn harvest and this is a record fast harvest so I know a lot normally goes in after this. In my area we are DRY tho so that could be more of an issue than temps.
FWIW, my farm is in SE Iowa, yes. But this planting will be on our new property just outside of Iowa City. But yes, it is DRY out there now, like almost everywhere else. I think I will go ahead and drill it in this week and see what happens. Thanks gents!
Drill away Dave. It will sprout after the next rain. Will get a jump start on the weeds next spring as well.

Spray and drill switch next spring and you’re set!
FWIW, I drilled in 3 bags of the rye this afternoon...hopefully I get some rain on it. I kept 2 bags to seed via bag seeder on slopes that ol' Daver doesn't want to risk with the tractor/drill. :) I'll try to time that just before, or even during, a rain.
I broadcast 200# an acre (I go heavy with broadcast) and drug in with a pallet Oct 15, 2023. This pic was from Oct 23 and by Nov 5 the deer were in it every night. It's a nice addition to their diet and the bucks knew the girls were there every night. It was a hot little corner. Last year was super dry so I always broadcast it before a small rain every year. I sell fertilizer spreaders so I always broadcast...;) Turkey season was fun there in the spring.
2023 rye.jpg
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Broadcast one more bag of rye this AM and will use up the last of my 5 bags that I had via the drill after work. For the first time in quite a while, rain chances look pretty good starting later tonight. I am curious to see what it looks like in a week, provided the rain comes in tonight.
Short answer, yes. Latest I have planted was November 8. This year the weather looks to be warmer and wetter for the first week of November. If you got it in prior to yesterday's system you will be looking good.
Short answer, yes. Latest I have planted was November 8. This year the weather looks to be warmer and wetter for the first week of November. If you got it in prior to yesterday's system you will be looking good.
I did get all of my rye in before yesterdays rain. 4 bags drilled in, 1 bag broadcast on more sloped ground. I'll post some pics when it pops...my sense is that I will see something in 3-4 days.
We had .68 finally last night but I couldn't get any more down before that. If the chances later next wk stay in the forecast I'll spread a few bags.
Catch 22.
With our 10 day warmer then normal (by far), I could easily still put in rye.
Problem is, the ground is SO DRY, a 1/2" or perhaps even an inch won't do much unless it's a prolonged wet event.
Sure, it will Germ but...., ain't nothing for the roots to retrieve down deeper.
Rye is easy to get going but it still needs moisture down deeper.
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