Corn & bean ground is a commodity in a sense. Can find it in maybe 30 or 40 of our states or more. IOWA HUNTING LAND is different..... Some could look at it like a "luxury" - bought for hunting. Just like a "lake house"... Why does a lake house sell for 5x the amount as the same house a half mile away from the water? Luxury & love of XYZ (water, skiiing, beaches, hunting, fishing, shopping, WHATEVER). When something isn't of "critical need" (food, basic shelter, etc) - it's going to follow the stock market, economy in general and extra funds in a person's cash flow. It's why a timbered farm with no loggable trees could still bring, $2, 3, 4k an acre if it's got awesome hunting, even with zero income. Grain could be bringing .50 cents for corn but if the economy is good and people want to hunt, they will pay for it. Remember, here's the key.... Hunting land in IOWA is a very limited Asset that can be bought..... The state consists of 5-6% timbered land and the timber across the border to MO or MN for example is NOT the same thing and bought for the same reasons or of the same quality. Just like "furniture, pools, lake houses, developmental property, etc" - if economy dries up - the demand and prices go down.
Really getting nitpicky.... Yes, rec ground can have part timber and part tillable. Now, both forces (grain & general economy) can impact it BUT.... Now it becomes "how much of what is it?" defining the buyer. 50% timbered farms, even with good tillable are not going to be bought by farmers most the time. 95% tillable won't be bought by hunters most the time (unless in CRP). Apples & Oranges in many ways and 2 different cost drivers. I can buy great corn & bean ground in 4 states around us. I can't find great hunting in most states bordering us. Iowa hunting ground is a very unique animal and a very rare item at the moment. Now, getting even further into the weeds and "nerdy discussion" - while talking about prices and demand.... What would happen to IOWA land prices on timber/rec, if MO changed their gun season to Dec 5 and had a 1 buck rule? Probably reduce Iowa Rec prices to be honest as MO would now rival Iowa and has 5 times the habitat.
But yes, all in all, I see the economy slowing (just my gut, may well be very wrong) and I see grain prices staying flat for 1-2 years. Just like oil prices being low, grain is low, the dollar is strong and we all know this stuff runs cycles. Oil at $40/barrel & $1.75 gas.... We all probably agree at some point in not to distant future, the "clowns" will rally it back to $3-4/gallon through tricks, gimmicks or simply the economic dynamics that impact the markets naturally. Weird world of economics right now. Crash or correct, markets cycle.