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Safety Line?


Proud member of the IBA
Do any of you use a safe line or something like it from the ground to stand? How well does it work? Any tips? Anyone just make there own with a sliding prussic not?
they work great! just make sure you tie them off at the bottom so the knot will slide up. All the ones i have used were muddy or the hs ones.
They are a piece of cake. We have a combination of muddy and hss. Linesmans belt going up to hang the stand. Hook the lifeline up. Tie it off at the bottom when your down. Its all set up and good to go. All but one of our stands have them and will continue to use them and attempt to talk every stand hunter into them.
Can someone possibly post a how to to making one of these and also how to use at the stand? I have heard of them before but am unfamiliar with how they work or how to make one.
I heard someone on here mention before about searching the internet for videos on the subject of making them. Use the search feature on this site because I remember a lengthy discussion on this subject and constrictor ropes for steps. I think this was one of the sites that was discussed for purchasing bulk rope and prussic cord: https://www.knotandrope.com
I'll throw out there that I use the HSS Lifelines on all my stands & they are great! They keep you safe on your way up & once you get to the top & you're never unhooked from the time you leave the ground.
I'm not smart enough to tie one of those fancy knots :eek: and I don't trust my life to trying to learning how. Kudos to those of you who do though.
I climb trees for a living. For you guys tying your own prussic knots, your prussic cord MUST BE A SMALLER DIAMETER THAN THE CLIMBING LINE. I can't stress that enough!
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