Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Same Buck?


Well-Known Member
A buddy wanted to try my camera in a spot where his dad seen a few bucks. It's in a pasture and there's a pond that the deer have really been coming into. Not quite sure what he was doing when setting up the camera. They hung it really high looking down where the deer have been crossing into the pasture. Got two decent pics and a bunch of cows. This looks like the same buck but I don't know how it could be with the times being 5 min apart and deer running down fenceline in both pics. Had to lighten the one up a bit.

That's what I was thinking but it's darn close. I've never seen so many big eights since I started hunting this area.
They ALWAYS look wider when running directly away from you. I think it's the same deer. He may have spooked when the camera flashed, jumped a few feet and looked around to see what the heck that flash was before high tailing it out of there? If I'm wrong, you have two great 8's to deal with this fall!
I agree with Skully, they always look bigger going away, but the g3 on the left side looks a little shorter in the second picture, maybe??? Good deer(s)
My guess would be that he was standing there and heard your camera start up and was spooked and jumped just as the picture flashed. He stopped and stood there the five minutes as bucks will do and then decided to take off and the camera got him again. Just a guess.
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