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Sandy Hook information


PMA Member
Hey guys. Before watching this video, I want to say I'm not pushing this thought process one way or the other. I just thought this had some really interesting information in it that might interest you. I'm not entirely sure what to think about all this. It may be just a paranoid individual throwing some information together, but the evidence does speak pretty loud. And there was and has been a lot of misinformation and story changing going on with the sandy hook shooting. IDK, you can decide for yourselves I guess.


I put this in the same category as so called truthers and 9/11. If anyone believes in a massive conspiracy that must be agreed to and continued by leo's and first responder personnel at all levels of government(local, state, federal) I think you're asking the impossible and improbable. No, I do not believe in government conspiracy to kill their own citizens, especially children, to further an agenda. The videos and statements are taken in part and can be spun one way or another. I wish I could have back the several minutes I watched this garbage.
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i'm not sold on the whole conspiracy deal, but how in the hell were there so many reports that the AR was in the trunk of the car, and all he had on his person was 2 pistols, then, the AR was found lying next to him....odd
I didn't watch it but get the idea. To think a gov't of the U.S.A would do that is ridiculous, I'm with Jdubs.

I gotta be honest,... things seem pretty messed up south of the border right now.
Not accusing anyone of being a "conspirator", so LYON don't take this the wrong way because there is certainly contradicting information surrounding any major tragedy, but does anyone else just feel un-American hearing things like this? Maybe it's my pride in our country but it actually makes me pretty mad that someone would believe the goverment would be behind something like this. It's things like this that continue to push America in the wrong direction, how about people mourn the tradegy instead of accusing our goverment. If I was a parent of one of those innocent children that was hurt/killed I'd be furious if someone ever mentioned anything about this to me.
Brett Morris said:
Not accusing anyone of being a "conspirator", so LYON don't take this the wrong way because there is certainly contradicting information surrounding any major tragedy, but does anyone else just feel un-American hearing things like this? Maybe it's my pride in our country but it actually makes me pretty mad that someone would believe the goverment would be behind something like this. It's things like this that continue to push America in the wrong direction, how about people mourn the tradegy instead of accusing our goverment. If I was a parent of one of those innocent children that was hurt/killed I'd be furious if someone ever mentioned anything about this to me.

No hard feelings here. And just to be open here, I didn't post this to say I believe it, just thought there was a lot of interesting info. I am very proud of being an american, but to be in complete confidence that our government could never become tyrannical would be ignorant. If our government is incapable of becoming tyrannical then what's the point of the 2nd amendment? Our founders knew it was possible and history has shown that it can happen. And I would bet a tyrannical government will start their tyranny with baby steps, whatever those may be, which will fall on deaf ears because there's not enough evidence to believe it. I don't think this NATION will ever be a "bad" nation but I do believe and will continue to be at least a little bit skeptical that there are truly bad people within this nation and keeping those people from positions of power is not certain.
I put this in the same category as so called truthers and 9/11. If anyone believes in a massive conspiracy that must be agreed to and continued by leo's and first responder personnel at all levels of government(local, state, federal) I think you're asking the impossible and improbable. No, I do not believe in government conspiracy to kill their own citizens, especially children, to further an agenda. The videos and statements are taken in part and can be spun one way or another. I wish I could have back the several minutes I watched this garbage.

Ditto, waist of my time.
I've worked for a federal law enforcement agency for 24 years. They, (we), are not capable of killing kids and covering up the event. I don't agree with everything the federal government engages in, however, I've never experienced, or heard of, an event involving the murder of our own people. I find it appalling and anyone who drinks this koolaid needs to take a serious intellect and common sense check.
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How about this. Not 1 person was taken to the hospitol. No video of children anywhere!! I say it was all FAKE!! No kids were killed because there were no kids. I 100% belive that the government could do this. And it my go higher then that. I just dont trust a government that is as messed up as ours!! All Liars!!!! How was everyones first paycheck of 2013???? Liar.
jesserichard said:
How about this. Not 1 person was taken to the hospitol. No video of children anywhere!! I say it was all FAKE!! No kids were killed because there were no kids. I 100% belive that the government could do this. And it my go higher then that. I just dont trust a government that is as messed up as ours!! All Liars!!!! How was everyones first paycheck of 2013???? Liar.

I respect you have your own opinion, but that's a pretty damn bold statement. Drive to Sandy Hook and see how well your "conspiracy theory" goes over. You're telling me you could look one of those parents right in their eyes and tell them that you don't believe there were any kids?? I'd suspect you better be ready to dodge a right hook, because this Dad wouldn't take 1 second of that bullshit because those parents, siblings, and families are far from forgetting their loved ones killed that day. I am open minded to accept someone could be behind a stunt like Sandy Hook but to say there were no kids killed, that's just crazy. People can't fake that kind of emotion.
Only thing I see wrong with the sandy Hook killings are, the MEDIA and government alike has mislead the public on what weapons where used to further their agenda, and that the government and Media are using these poor dead children as pawns in their game of politics.

Why else would Obummer surround himself with children tomorrow when he gives his speech and tells everyone the 19 executive orders that he is going to place on firearms.

As far as if it's real or not, I guess I'm too good of a person to think that someone would make up something as horrific as killing 20 children under the age of 8, just so they can make a gun look bad. Our government is dirty and slimy, but I don't even think they would slip that low.
I respect you have your own opinion, but that's a pretty damn bold statement. Drive to Sandy Hook and see how well your "conspiracy theory" goes over. You're telling me you could look one of those parents right in their eyes and tell them that you don't believe there were any kids?? I'd suspect you better be ready to dodge a right hook, because this Dad wouldn't take 1 second of that bullshit because those parents, siblings, and families are far from forgetting their loved ones killed that day. I am open minded to accept someone could be behind a stunt like Sandy Hook but to say there were no kids killed, that's just crazy. People can't fake that kind of emotion.

When they make a movie of this, actors and actresses will appear with same type of emotion. So I don't agree that emotion can't be faked. Also that clip of the laughing dad that had lost a child helped the conspiracy theories, not tame them. I don't believe this as some grand conpiracy, though of mass shootings I have heard of, this one had a lot of changing details. Don't hear much about the man the police caught in the woods, if someone can find article about who that was, would be nice to see.
Let me comment from a little experience. On 9/11 I was on the evidence collection team in Shanksville, PA picking up the pieces of United Flight 93. Immediately a perimeter was formed around the crash site manned 24 hours a day. Countless individuals ranging from media, photographers, anti govt types, etc, were chased through the surrounding woods and arrested hours, days, and weeks after the crash attempting to gain access to the site. My point is this guy was probably not affiliated with the event and the chase explainable. People come out of the wood work during high profile events. The current administration didn't orchestrate this tragedy, however, they will not fail in taking advantage of it to push their agenda.
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