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Sarah's 1st Turkey and an Iowawhitetail Hat!!!!!!!


New Member
My wife and I went to Van Buren County this weekend turkey hunting. It was Sarah's first ever time turkey hunting. We seen a lot of birds on Friday but none of them would work with us. We had two strutters at about 80 yards on a fence line and they would not cross to our side. We belly crawled to sneak up on them and I took a shot and missed. Just my luck!!! On Saturday morning we did a set up on this farm that the outfitter leases and we had birds gobbling their heads off but they wouldnt come in. So Sarah and Nick (our guide) decided to drive to the other side of the property to try and kill this gobbler. I stayed behind and sat in the decoy setup. When they got there they started calling and this brute started talking back to them from about 400yds away. He came right to there set up within about 10 minutes and Sarah shot him at about 35 yds. Congratulations to my wife!!! She is now hooked on Turkey hunting.

It sounds like some of the turkey fans I have hanging on the wall are going to have to be moved to make room for hers.....




The Bird Weighed 24 lbs
had a 10 1/4 inch beard
and had 1 1/4 inch spurs
Awesome trophy for a first bird!!!
Re: Sarah's 1st Turkey and an Iowawhitetail Hat!!!

Way to go Sarah!!!!
to say i am impressed would be an understatment!!!
well done!!
you've earned it!!!

im sure your hubby is almost as proud as the day his little girl was born...

Jeremy, What tree where you sleeping by when she shot???
and didnt you miss????
thought i heard that somewhere.....
selective story telling i see
Re: Sarah's 1st Turkey and an Iowawhitetail Hat!!!

ok im an idiot
i just re read the post and i see it was mentioned......
my bad!!
Re: Sarah's 1st Turkey and an Iowawhitetail Hat!!!

Helluva 1st bird. Congratulations.
Re: Sarah's 1st Turkey and an Iowawhitetail Hat!!!

That is awesome, congrats Sarah on a great bird!
Re: Sarah's 1st Turkey and an Iowawhitetail Hat!!!

She is now hooked on Turkey hunting.

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