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Saw first monster buck, need advice


New Member
Saturday morning I was out in my tree stand when a monster buck, with a huge rack and a nice brown toupe, following a doe came in to my area. This was approximately 7:45. He hung around for 15 minutes trailing the doe, scraping and rubbing. He was only 20 yards out but in deep cover. As he was walking into my shooting lane the doe, who was upwind and up the hill, spooked and ran back the way she came. The busk casually turned around and trotted after the doe. He was only 5 feet from a 20 yard shot!!!
I went out again Sun morning but saw no bucks at all and no sign of the monster. I came down at 8:30 because my buddy had to be somewhere. The guy who owns the property went through the area at 9:30 and said the buck was milling around where I was hunting. The owner came through again at 3:00 on a 4-wheeler and spooked the buck off at 3 PM! (This guy doesn't deer hunt).
Now, I decided not to hunt today to let the woods settle. Should I hit the area again tomorrow morning? Do you think the buck hits the area at the same time each day (if he's not on a hot doe)? I can only take off work and hunt in the morning until Saturday. How should I approach this monster?
Thanks for any advice you can give.
P.S. I'm the only one hunting these woods except for Tineseeker, but he's not going to go out there without me!
If he is in the area that much, I would hunt him as much as possible until he is dead as long as the wind is right, and I had not spooked him. If he is around that much now, I would be in there, never know he could be a mile away in the morning after another doe. get out and get him
Get out and stay and long as you can each day. There is only one way you will get him and that is to be where he is at the same time. If he continues to be seen here then he is comfortable and shouldn't leave the area.
Thanks for the advice. I went out for 2 1/2 hours this morning. I saw a forker, a basket 8 and I passed on a 10 yd shot on a decent 8. No sign of the monster buck. There were also 11 does but none of them seemed to be in estrus yet because the bucks were leaving them alone. The woods were definitely alive this morning, though.
I bought some doe in estrus urine and hung up a wick. A yearling doe would not leave it alone. She milled around the wick for 30 minutes, must have thought it was mamma. Two of the bucks could smell it, I think, but they were not that interested.
If the deer activity there, is anything like it is here right now... I would sit in my stand all day.
Bucks like that are tough to find. When you do,especially this time of the year I'd do as liv4rut says and capitalize asap. This may be a core area for him or he might be there for a short time never to return. As long as the wind is right do it. Concerning the wick, I've never had positive results from adding scent when it comes to monster bucks. Good luck and do it now before the pattern changes!

Old Buck
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