Super Moderator
I planted hundreds of Sawtooth Oaks 7-8 years ago because they are supposed to be prolific producers of acorns and start producing in as little as 8-10 years. At that time I talked to our local DNR forester about planting Chestnut trees also, however he wasn't sure how well they would do. Just nosing around the IDNR link that Ghost posted and I see that a nursery in Wapello County is selling 2-3 year old bareroot Chestnuts that will produce in as little as a year after planting!
Food plots are great, but natural mast is hard to beat, and chestnuts at one time were one of wildlife's mainstays. The blight wiped them out, but Asian chestnuts are more resistant to blight.
Just wondering if any of you have planted Chestnut trees (or Sawtooth Oaks) and if they thrived and/or produced yet.
My Sawtooths have grown very fast but not acorns yet.
Food plots are great, but natural mast is hard to beat, and chestnuts at one time were one of wildlife's mainstays. The blight wiped them out, but Asian chestnuts are more resistant to blight.
Just wondering if any of you have planted Chestnut trees (or Sawtooth Oaks) and if they thrived and/or produced yet.
My Sawtooths have grown very fast but not acorns yet.