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SC iowa BUST! Theft, trespass & shed poaching…

SC IA Farmer

Crazed Hunter
Article sums it up nicely & was posted yesterday elsewhere. This happened about 10 miles from me & know the farm they got busted on. This area has been plagued with issues & folks kept coming back too many times.. this time, caught in the act!! BUSTED!! There’s a pile of other guys in several counties trying to line up charges as well. The main guy- Matt Sandvig Mogensen just shot a buck that was in NAW that has several folks digging into that- be interesting to see if anything happens there. Tons of guys had non stop problems, theft & shed poaching & it was always about same time of year & guys describing the same vehicles. Folks had been working hard at stopping this non stop routine of problems. This year - the second time they did it in this area the trap was set. One owner hid cameras & got their vehicles on camera multiple times.
Matt mogensen got 2 tickets & pled guilty. Colson Kies- pled guilty. Karter Sander - pled guilty.
Article & newspaper releases IMG_0845.jpegIMG_0843.jpegIMG_0842.jpegIMG_0839.jpegIMG_0841.jpegIMG_0837.jpegIMG_0836.jpegIMG_0840.jpeg
Too bad they didn't get charged with theft as well as the trespassing.
Talking to locals - if they agreed to all the charges right there, they got off on one charge (& a charge that’s a bit harder to pin in court). More folks are matching some pieces of puzzle up & likely not the last folks will hear of these guys if I had to guess. They LOVE attention so they might be getting a lot more!!!!
MY HOOD!!!!!!!! Good gosh do we have a lot of issues!!!!!!
I just heard about this & heard it hit the newspaper today.
U get in areas with a “reputation”…. folks don’t realize the problems that come with it.
Sounds like fines were stiff …. all paid which is good.
I know some folks to thank on those increases in fines that were very much due!!!! :)
This was in my neighborhood and thanks to a great neighbor we caught them..Someone had also been hunting out of one of my blinds (probably at night with thermals)..Windows were unlatched and curtains placed different than i leave them. Last year I also had a stand stolen ..I've got cameras hidden better now and I wouldn't be surprised if we have more trespassing this year. What a shame we have to deal with punks like them.
Is that big drop tine buck from a legit hunt ? What county ?
I don’t know these folks. But…
That’s the question I’d ask!!! If they did any of this illegal stuff & multiple trips repeating offenses- I’d probably question anyone’s buck that did that stuff in that situation.
I know an earlier post from months back I was rattling off examples of the issues we have in our area. Again - it’s a minority of the stuff we deal with and I LOVE hunting, my farm, the whole sha-bang….. but good gosh it’s a non stop battle. Literally every year.

My 2 cents to the everyday guy…. I honestly would start in an area that’s “unknown” or “not publicized”. The hunting can be BETTER if u find those overlooked areas that aren’t targeted by everyone. Basically, there’s lots of top tier areas without the spot light & id try to find those. We are in an area with so much attention, it draws all sorts of whackos & folks up to no good. They literally travel from other states to seek “certain neighborhoods” out. Gets old. We never let our Guard down but darn I wish didn’t have to deal with this stuff so often.
“Matt and friends looked hard for the deer’s sheds in the spring of 2024, but came up empty”. Yeah now we know they looked hard on other people’s land! Lol
Is there any way with the cell phone cameras that they can determine where the pictures are being sent from? Seems like that would be the first thing they would look into?
That buck he killed definitely needs to be looked into a little closer. Maybe someone on here, or a friend of a friend will recognize that buck from their farm.
Wonder if him and his buddies will have that buck on full display this weekend at the Whitetail classic? If we don’t see it this year I’m sure we can see it next year in the DNR trailer where they showcase all the poached bucks! Lol
Years ago when I had a subscription to NAW they had to come back many times years later and announce they did a feature article on a dirt bag!! So it wouldn’t be the first time!
After they got burnt several times on DBs they said they were going to do less stories on successful hunters killing huge bucks. I guess they can do only so many redundant articles on how to kill a big buck. Huge buck kill sells subscriptions!
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