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Scent around water


New Member
Do Deer loose your scent around/over water?

I think read that somewhere but I don't remember exactly what it read.

Reason I ask is one of my hunting spots has a creek running through on the back side of the property. It's really hard to get a good wind at this spot and I was thinking about putting a ground blind in front of the creek, on the upwind side. The Creek would be downwind of me/the blind. I've read the blinds conceal your scent as long as you keep the windows shut.

My question is.. would deer coming from behind the blind (in back of the creek) still wind me?
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No moisture actually enhances a deers sense of smell. The drier the conditions the harder it is for them to smell. That's why you see them licking their nose trying to get moisture to enhance their smelling ability.
No moisture actually enhances a deers sense of smell. The drier the conditions the harder it is for them to smell. That's why you see them licking their nose trying to get moisture to enhance their smelling ability.


If you have ever hunted hounds, you know that dry conditions are terrible for tracking anything and you would swear not a creature is stirring. Go back to the same area after a little reain or the air picks up some moisture and the hounds look like world champions...

If you have ever hunted hounds, you know that dry conditions are terrible for tracking anything and you would swear not a creature is stirring. Go back to the same area after a little reain or the air picks up some moisture and the hounds look like world champions...

I'm wondering if you read something saying to hunt next to a pond/lake, with the wind blowing over the water. Idea being the deer would not be able to get downwind of you (obviously they assume the trail does not go between you and the water. If the creek isn't very wide, I would think there is a chance deer on the other side could still catch your scent. The blind should help to contain some of it, but at least a little will still get out I would think.
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