Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Scope On TC Encore

i got a Nikon Monarch 3 X 9-40mm a top my T/C Encore. i love that combination!!!
I have a Zeiss Conquest 3.5x10x50 on my T/C. I am very impressed with it. All my other scopes are Leupold which are excellent scopes. I bought the Zeiss new off Ebay for $407.00 shipped.
I have the Nikon BDC on my Omega50 and liked it so much I bought another one for my long range slug gun. Same ballistics for slugs...
40mm fits the gun better, but a 50mm will gather more light. The closer to the gun the scope is, the more accurate it will sight.
Well i've made up my mind! Im going to get the Leupold VX-III 3.5-10 40mm with the BC Reticles. Topped on the Encore Pro Hunter with thumbhole in Hardwoods!I'll let you guys know how it shoots!
that is gonna be one sweetie of a gun!!!
you will enjoy shooting that thing!!
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