Camo Up!
143ish gross. 14.5-15 spread. Just a guess, not an expert.
Great buck, Jake!
Your guys gross scores are all very close, all in the ball park. However your net scores are a bit high. Like I said the gross score could be off a bit, but I got him at 157 and 1/8. The net score came back to be 124 and 7/8. This was done by a professional scorer. The spread was about 16 inches. He had great tine length but his mass was a bit lacking. He also has lots of junk. Not a great scoring deer I know but definitely a prized trophy. He was my second buck with a bow, my first scoring 149 and 7/8. This was the first deer that I had ever gotten pictures of and had actually set out to hunt and was successful. He now resides from my bedroom wall to the left of my first buck
How did that deer get 31 inches of deductions?
143ish gross. 14.5-15 spread. Just a guess, not an expert.
I was a little off...guess I was being very conservative. Not seeing that much in deductions either, but I don't have it in my hands. Did you happen to add multiple spreads? Great deer nonetheless. Congrats!