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I always use Active Scrape scent on my mock scrapes but maybe I shouldn't be until the pre-rut really gets going in October? Should I be using just straight urine right now or does anyone know if Active Scrape is a non-breeding mixture? I hate to use anything that is not in season in real life. I've always assumed Active Scrape scents are okay for scrapes of all times but I read something by a well-known whitetail author, Fiducia, that early scrapes are basically just habitual and don't have too much appeal early on... through September. Just curious what you guys think about this.
My opinion is you could just take a leak in the scrape yourself, save the $15.00 and get basically the same results. I think the bottled urine market is a scam.
I usually use Tink's Trophy Buck urine in early october and then switch to Active scrape towards the later part of october. The only reason being that active scrape has doe in estrous urine mixed with it. i don't wanna take the chance of spooking the bucks early season with that unnatural scent so early on.
I have a friend who owned a trapping lure business and sold a lot of fox urine to trappers, and then during the 1980's fox urine came into use as a "cover" scent and he made a killing selling fox urine to deer hunters. I learned that he had signed on to supply a huge amount of deer urine to Tink's. I asked him where he was getting all the deer urine and he wouldn't say a thing about it. One night over a campfire he'd been drinking a little and loosened up a bit about it. I learned that he had a source for deer urine from a breeder he knew, but they could only supply a small amount of what Tink's had agree to buy. So he was getting cow urine from a farmer to add to it. If the barrel wasn't full when it was time for the Tink's guy to come and pick it up, he would top it off with the garden hose.

This was back in the mid-80s I believe. Is the deer urine busines a racket? Yes it is. THis may be an extreme example, but then again, who knows?

One thing that always baffled me. There was a period of about 6-8 years where coon urine was all the rage. Suddenly all of the shelves of the stores, including Wal-Mart, were stocked with Coon urine. Just exactly where did all this coon urine come from? I guarantee you it didn't come from coons.

People often do not think before they buy this stuff.
Ah, the answer to my question: There is doe-in-estrous in Active Scrape... That makes me sick to think I had been using Active Scrape too early for the last few years.

Yeah, who knows what's in those bottles but it does seem to me that over the years things have become more professional in the business world of hunting products. Maybe things are better than they were and we are buying what we think we are.
I think a lot of it is synthetic, meaning that they have come closer to imitating the smell with chemicals. The estrus molecule in doe urine is super volitile and disperses within a few minutes.
I don't think a deer can tell the difference between types of urine and I think that early season (now) the deer are simply markign some territories. Deer or human urine I think would work fine. I have urinated in some scrapes in the evening as I walked out and had fresh deer scrapes in the morning. I like to use gels or the drip bottles because they distribute the scent over a number of days where the scent of your urine will discipate relatively quickly.

I do however believe that when it starts to get active, you should use somethng that's got some kind of gland in it. That's a different smell that only deer can make.

Last year, my friend shot a big deer off a scrape I started several years ago. It was under one tree and had 5 different scrapes where there were branches that came down to where the deer could reach them. There were two other scrapes next to trees close to this area.

I pick a tree that has opportunity for more than one scrape (licking branch close to the ground). As the year progresses, start with one, and then add scrapes using different fluids. I think it creates the illusion that there is more than one deer using the site.

My $.02
I am partial to the Buck Fever Synthetics for scrapes. 4 of 5 that I put out last weekend with the Pre/Post rut stuff are already being used by real deer.

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