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Seed storage ?


Active Member
So I have a five gallon bucket each of AWP and BF oats bought last summer for fall plot that didn't get in. Stored it in my basement where it is cool and dry hoping to plant it this fall. Well...with all the rain and flooding this plot has and is currently experiencing, I am 90% sure that i will be unable to get the ground ready and plant again this year. Do you think this seed will be able to go another year and be OK? I just planted some in a pot yesterday to check germination rates, but I don't want to waste pricey fertilizer on potentially junk seed. Never held on to seed for two years. Would it be better in the freezer? Hate to dump it if it would still be good. I guess I can hold on to it and try it in a pot next summer to check it again. Thoughts?
If I held it two years, I'd probably seed it heavy and/or add a light dusting of newly purchased seed.
I kept rape and radish and peas in plastic bags in my closet for 3 yrs and the third year they still germinated great!
If you are able to keep the seed cool and dry, I'm fairly certain germination will still be very good 2-3 years later.

We got some free RR corn seed from PF...I think it was 4-5 years ago....Dad planted a bunch in his garden this year, and it looks as good as the farmer's field corn. We use the stalks to brush up our duck blind and the ears to feed the game birds my buddy raises for dog training.
Should be fine, but if it were me I'd do a germ test on it next summer just to be sure. If % of germination isn't high enough for you, then you can increase seeding rate, buy new seed, or whatever.
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