That’s part of your own states fault ... you have created that . Don’t blame NR for that. The rules kept prices down and look how many took advantage of the lower prices.
Lower prices for the NR coming from and making their earning in a different market/economy.
If the prices were higher they may have looked elsewhere. I bought in originally @ 1100/acre. Steal, not my fault, the regs encouraged that. False market.
Have to disagree somewhat about a false market. People buying farms for the express purpose of hunting is a relatively new phenomenon historically speaking. Deer pushed prices to where they are now. A lot of the ground in question would still be relatively cheap if there were no deer. It would be holding cattle or knocked down to produce some more marginal farm ground.
I am just being honest, I sell farms for a living, nobody can argue any different. It’s a fact.
I appreciate your confirmation of my original statement.
Don’t blame NR, as Skip stated there will Be more guys buying if they can get guaranteed tag. I don’t disagree, but many have already bought. Prices were low, they bought in, bought up a lot ... I am a capitalist, I know a good buy when I see it. Prices have now trended higher. From 1995-2017 some great buys, not as much anymore... economy is too damn good, good job Trump!
Don't blame anyone for buying. I have problem when they try to change the rules. I get pissed when they hire lobbyist to get in the ear of people who are supposed to represent resident interest. Not that it's a fair comparison but how would you like it if a bunch of NR's bought cabins around you're favorite fishing lake up there and then started lobbying to change your regs for their benefit? How do you think those miners up near the boundary waters feel about all the outsiders protesting the new mines?
I’ll give you guys credit for being tenacious and supporting your state. I agree with 90% of the IBA (very very good to have) but I just think a guy/owner should get tags more often, and should definitely allow doe tags ... doesn’t help the EHD situations . It contributes.
I've stated here before that I don't care for land owner tags of any kind. It was no big deal when they were for farmers that just wanted to hunt their ground. Now they're another incentive that pushes prices up and encourages the NRLO to try and change our rules. Maybe I can find a Democrat to introduce a bill to end them.
EHD isn't the problem. It just feels like one when you have high deer density and drought. CWD could be another issue. I wonder what would happen to land prices and the NRLO if all the deer, especially big bucks, where gone?
Good luck to all. Keep up the fight against rifles, crossbows, moving the season out of December ... I’m probably out of this now. Unless I’m attacked. Have fun shed hunting.