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Senator Dennis Black response SF 18

My answer to that problem is that I really believe we need to be acquiring more land on a willing seller basis for public use. I believe the landowners are entitled to be compensated in some form for providing access to use their land. The market will determine value and in the mean time we need to get more into the public domain.

In the area locally that I hunt a local business person is buying up land for recreation purposes. I do not like the fact that I will not be able to hunt it. If the citizens of Iowa had acquired it I would be able to use it.

There will be less deer shot on that area now than before and deer will disperse from it to the surrounding area.
These topics all tie together so much it's hard to blend it all into one topic.

I agree the state should be trying to buy ground when it becomes available, because it's never going to get cheaper. The question is how can we generate enough revenue so the state can get into a land aqcuisition phase? If someone other than the state buys a piece of ground chances are you're done hunting it.

hunt iowa, Basically what you are refering to are mini refuges, and every refuge I've ever hunted around are generally crowded. I do however believe in refuges.
Is it fair to assume you currently lease ground to hunt?

Here is the response I got today.

I appreciate your communication on SF18. I am on your side with this one. I appreciate your admonition to the legislators you communicated with to "let DNR manage our resources". I certainly agree, and in fact tell my colleagues in the Senate at least once a week that they are "not trained in wildlife management, and to legislate management only will exacerbate the deer population problem."

Unfortunately, even here in Central Iowa, we are seeing significant land purchased and leased for hunting by out-of-state interests.

You can rest assured that I will do everything I can to keep this legislation bottled up for the remainder of the session.

Please advise your friends, neighbors and fellow hunters to advise Natural Resources Committee Chair Huber Houser to keep the legislation in his drawer.

Senator Dennis Black

I in turn thanked him.

I do not lease any ground. In fact most of my hunting is done on public ground. I do have nonresident friends who are leasing Iowa land to hunt. I do hunt on that land by invitation to harvest does. I did finally figure out that the adjoining land might be a good place to hunt. I did what it took to gain access and on the most memorable day of my hunting life of some 62 years, I saw 27 bucks in one dark to dark unforgettable day. I am convinced that 3 of them were B&C caliber. One I should have killed but my brain failed me. That is why it is hunting rather than killing.

I oppose the changes, and will vote NO. However, I doubt the bill will even be brought out.

Senator Dennis Black

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Hamlin [mailto:swhamlin@netins.net]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 7:49 PM
To: Black, Dennis
Subject: Senate File 18

Dear Mr. Black,

As a life long Iowa Resident outdoorsman I am not in favor of the changes proposed in Senate File 18.

Many of the Iowa Resident outdoorsman are very concerned about the impact of Iowa land purchased strictly for recreation by outside interests. It is very disturbing to see the trends in other states where land is being controlled by non resident owners. I would rather see the State of Iowa purchase more available land that can be utilized by all outdoorsman residents and non residents a like.

I feel increasing Non Residents tag numbers and giving more opportunities to Non Resident land owners further jeopardizes the future of the Resident outdoorsman's access to the State of Iowa's resources.

I know you have a lot of more serious issues to deal with this year, but I do appreciate your taking the time to view my concerns on this one.


Scott Hamlin
Van Horne, Iowa

(His response, my letter, BW
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