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Senator Response

deerslayer 37.
You obviously have not spent much time reading any of the issues related to non resident land owner's. Just because you own land-- What makes you think you should be entitled to a tag.
You want a tag to hunt every year? Move to Iowa. Why do you want to hunt Iowa anyway? It wouldn't happen to be the quality whitetail we Iowa residents and our management practices have produced to cause you to buy land here and want to hunt. You sure you are a Republican?
Your opinion on increasing the non resident tags sounds fairly selfish to me. Please don't respond by telling me you pay taxes on the land and you should be able to hunt it every year. You already can! Buy a doe tag. Drive Safely now!

Here is a excert meeting minutes from the IOWA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTY CONSERVATION BOARDS ...

VONK PRESENTATIONS Director Vonk presented information to the HNRC twice this week, of which deer occupied all of one meeting and part of another. Two committees have been formed. The deer/insurance issue is chaired by Rep. Rayhons with Rep. Davitt as the Democratic lead. The deer hunting/herd size is chaired by Rep.
Baudler with Rep. Whittaker as the Democratic lead.
Vonk stressed to the HNRC that the Dept. believes their additional antlerless tag promotion is working. The DNR wants authority to also set the number of nonresident
antlerless tags rather than be restricted by the 2500 limit in addition to increasing the nonresident any-sex tags from 6000 to 8000. Committee members asked if the antlerless tags could be directed to those counties not selling all of their additional tags & Vonk said yes. It was also stressed that Iowa hunters are the solution to deer herd numbers and not nonresidents. Committee members also expressed concern over leased land, land bought (usually for buck hunting by non-locals), and land where hunting was not allowed.
Vonk stated their was little that can be done other than depredation or special hunts. Finding funds for the HUSH (Help Us Stop Hunger) Program to kill additional
antlerless deer is also important. A toll-free telephone number to report deer kills would help in assessing the size of the herd. The DNR also sees the increased importance of public hunting areas as well as additional funding to lease land.

[/ QUOTE ]

sound familiar?

Mole - I wonder what Sen. Black's response would be if you sent him a recommendation to modify the bill to allow the DNR to decrease the alloted tags as see fit but not increase. Again his response will be interesting

Senetor Black's Statement[ QUOTE ]
"Again, I ask for your trust. The cap will be removed, and you should not be greatly concerned. Conversely, it is being done to allow DNR to reduce the cap when they see the need, based on the population dynamics of the whitetail. Currently, should DNR receive requests for 2500 nonresident anterless, they would have to sell them. Actually, the cap has never been met.

[/ QUOTE ]

I will say this again based on the DNR's desire for increase tags - and it is well known that "either sex" will not pass - they want to pass this through the back door. Sales will double in just a few years and there will be no intent of decreasing the cap. Sales will be justify based on our "Deer Problem" and the insurance lobby actions.

Again I ask that all Iowa Residents Contact your legislators and politely let them know your stance. Remind them that residents vote, residents purchased 46,000+ more antlerless tags from 2003 to 2004, that you have concerns for land access, the DNR has a plan to decrease the herd size, the DNR has also stated that NR are not a significant part of herd reduction and finally that you absolutely do not suppot removing the cap for NR antlerless tags.
As a "newbie" to the sport of bowhunting I find the talk of increasing NR hunters disheartening. I am so excited about getting out there, but don't want to have to fight NR for a place to hunt. I know that Iowa wants to bring in more dollars and control the deer herd, but I can't help think that there has to be a better way. My family loves deer meat so I would take as many does as I can. Think that I am going to find my representative and e-mail them and let them know my views.
Senator Black just wrote back to me about the Antlerless cap being lifted. Here's his response:

The removal of the non-resident cap on antlerless is at DNR's request,
and not for the purpose of selling more licenses. Conversely, now if
2,500 apply for a license they will receive it. However, the cap has
never been met. What DNR wants is to be able to set the cap lower,
maybe to zero, if and when the herd is at a more acceptable population

I don't think this aspect of the bill is one to fear. If it becomes a
problem, I will lead the charge in the legislature to repeal.

Senator Dennis Black
A slippery slope is always a concern. My vote still goes for onecams idea. Increase to 8000 anysex tags and add a doe tag to it Elimanate the antlerless party hunting tags all together.
Thanks Teacher

Again I would ask you to ask him to modify the bill to allow the DNR to decrease the cap but not increase.

I don't think this aspect of the bill is one to fear. If it becomes a
problem, I will lead the charge in the legislature to repeal.

[/ QUOTE ]
Trust me on this the legislation wants to be done with deer legislation - for many years - if and when a bill is passed . The likely hood of a repeal is slight. Why take the chance?
I forgot to add that I also stand against the lifting of that cap, and only let the DNR lower it. I wrote him back again stating how I felt, but doubt whether I'll get a response again. No others on the commitee have written back.

Why would the DNR want the power to raise them if they've stated that NR aren't the answer to the deer population? Why can't they just state that they want to have the power to lower the cap? I don't understand why the DNR isn't geared more toward working with resident hunters.
I met with Legislator Paul Bell this morning and dicussed my issues with him. I also told him of Black's replies. When I told him that Black had stated that the NR antlerless tag increase was a done deal, Mr. Bell nodded his head and stated that it was..."pretty much a done deal." I did have the opportunity to point out concerns that have been raised here and he did seem to be on our side for the most part. He stated that he had not heard or thought about the issues that we raised about the NR antlerless tags. This shows me that more of us need to voice our opinions. Too many times we sit back and assume that someone else will do it. The squeaky wheel gets noticed and we need to squeak louder!

As a "newbie" to the sport of bowhunting I find the talk of increasing NR hunters disheartening. I am so excited about getting out there, but don't want to have to fight NR for a place to hunt. I know that Iowa wants to bring in more dollars and control the deer herd, but I can't help think that there has to be a better way. My family loves deer meat so I would take as many does as I can. Think that I am going to find my representative and e-mail them and let them know my views.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just reading this makes me want to tear my hair out. You people are so NIEVE!!!! NR's ARE NOT TAKING YOUR LAND!!! You guys are calling yelling Wolf because theres 6,000 NR deer hunters in your state every year. Honestly guys, 6,000 NR's doesnt do anything. 10,000 NR's wouldnt even matter. You are making a mountain out of a mole hill..if i was anymore frustrated i would call you a bunch of uneducated hillbillies but im above that and i really think most iowans if presented the truth from somebody they could trust would agree that NR's are not a problem. red scare is what it is
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