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SF 2055 Youth Crossbow Tag

all they are trying to do is plant the seed. what happens when that 10 yr old that started hunting with a crossbow becomes an adult, and is too lazy/busy to master a bow? he is going to push for crossbows to be allowed in the regular archery season. they are just trying to inch there way in. iowa's current laws on crossbows are good enough....although, a little more investigation to some people's "handicap" would be nice
They legalized crossbows in NJ, and I am totally against it. There are so many more idiots in the woods because of it. We don't have many smart people in the state to begin with, but it really changed the early archery season:-(. My friend caught a guy in jeans and a flannel walking past his trail camera with a crossbow in his hands. Looked like the fool thought he was doing a drive? If I were you guys, I'd fight it! Soon you'll have guys from out of state trying to bring their crossbows to you.....

I am a fan of youth seasons, but only if no other season exists. They have an archery season, so a crossbow season is not necessary. Handicapped adult or youth I would be for it.

This is a battle in MN as well (crossbows for adults without handicap).
I disagree with all you guys. Crossbows are not the Big Bad Boogy man people make them out to be.The tide is coming. States are changing one after another. Only a matter of time.When you get older, and stiffer, and not the Macho you used to be, you'll understand. Recurve diehards hated the Compounds, fought them,,too easy. Now compounders hate the Crossbow,,too easy. Personal preference. Still a bow, with an arrow, and one shot.Ancient weapon, no more tech than compounds.Get over it!
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There will always be an elitest attitude twards them by some, but they have a huge following, if you look into them. They were hated with a passion in the state I left, by the Major Bow Club. They fought them tooth and nail, but now they are accepted.
Oh,, I know diehards never will. I also know some diehard recurve guys that still hate ,and resent Compounds. I started out in the recurve days,,before compounds. I accepted compounds as an inovation that could let hunters be more accurate, and get more people into bow hunting. Every new gadget and inovation has made shooting a bow easier. Some like the difficulty. some are souped up with every gadget on the market.
I think it might be a good idea. Even though I'll never be able to use it. It's still a great idea for other youth! I wish I had the chance to use a crossbow. I would have been hunting a lot earlier. I like crossbows because they're more effective than a shotgun or bow IMO for a little kid. Personally, I think a shotgun was awkward when I was little, even youth ones. But I shot a crossbow a few times and loved it, but was sad that I'd never be able to use it hunting unless I had a limb cut off or something.

EDIT: I was re-reading the posts and it seems that you guys are kind of right. I know a kid who was a hunter and broke his arm and wasn't able to bend all the way and can't shoot a bow correctly. These are the youth who should be able to use a crossbow.
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Loneranger I totally agree. Especially the jelousy. I think alot of new laws or regulations are made for the dnr to be able to sell more tags but the majority of opinions from this (as i read between the lines)are hunters wanting less people (even kids) to get tags. Are we selfish enough to try to keep kids from deer hunting. Or its ok for kids to hunt if they do it by this or that standard according to someones opinon? Its ok for kids to hunt if they use traditional bows? Come on! Its our job as parents to introduce our kids to hunting as we see fit. Not by your standards or opinions. Kids are made by god in every size. Ive seen kids ready before the age of 10 and ive seen some not at 14. I have both. If a kid is mature in mind but cant pull a bow this might be a great thing.
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