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SF 2142 Increases NR tags with a twist


Life Member
This bill increases NR tags from 6K to 7.5K. The twist is 750 of those tags would go to NRs with no preference points in the draw. The other 750 would be as usual. Another twist in the bill would give hunters killing a doe in a county that is over the population goal a preference point for the following year's draw.

Link to the bill: <NR tag increase with a twist>

No sub appointed yet.
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Yea encourage non residents to harvest more of our does that solves all of Iowa's management problems :rolleyes:
Just give out more tags so residents get more of the shaft. How about with the extra income it goes straight into more public land for residents, I know i havent seen any new public for quite some time around my area.
I live in Georgia and love to hunt Iowa but I think this is a horrible idea. What makes Iowa great is limiting NR pressure. All you have to do is look at Illinois and Kansas now compared to what they used to be.

Y’all need to fight this. Good luck with the fight.
As a NR Hunter, I have this to say...

Do NOT let this bill pass!
NR's don't NEED this bill to pass...the Outfitters and NRLO's do.

When are all of you NR hunters going to realize that every one of these Bills slowly and permanently chips away at the core reasons Iowa is such a great State to Deer hunt in.
We wait our turn and we get our chance...

And, do NOT let the NRLO bill pass...that will make this Bill look like child's play
Subcommittee meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday 2/8 at 1530.


Senator Ken Rozenboom District 40 (Appanoose, Mahaska, Monroe and parts of Marion and Wapello Counties) Legislative web page: State Senator (iowa.gov) Email:

Senator Jim Lykam Senate District 45 (Part of Scott County including Davenport) Legislative web site: State Senator (iowa.gov) Email: jim.lykam@legis.iowa.gov

Senator Dawn Driscoll (Vice Chair) Senate District 38 (Benton, Poweshiek and Iowa Counties) Legislative web page: State Senator (iowa.gov) Email: dawn.driscoll@legis.iowa.gov
Passed the sub today 2-1. It was kinda preordained that it was going to move on, but we had a good wide-ranging discussion with the members of the subcommittee today. They want more deer killed, we want more access and not lose the access we have.

The bill goes to the full committee, date to be set.
Full committee meeting 2/16 at 2pm. On the agenda it lists SF 2142 with an amendment. No idea what the amendment is.

I'll post a link to watch it live when they make it available.
This bill passed full committee today with amendment. I believe the amendment removed the 750 tags for those with 0 points. All 1500 will go into the draw pool. In the process of being re numbered.
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750 going to people with no pref points??? What the ??

When we NR apply and get rejected, they keep about $68.00 for the PP. They also hold the money we sent for a few months again, minus the $68.00

Imagine if an extra 5000 people put in because of that and they get the extra $68.00 plus the interest earned for 3 months. It all adds up.

Now, how many will put in the following year or just say forget it? Then that $68.00 is free money. Many will give up when they realize that it will actually take 4-5 more years to draw the tag.

It’s all about money. Everything is. Your state has always been the example in how to manage a deer herd and NR pressure but they are slowly selling off your deer hunting. A shame really.
NV , I am a non res. I know all about what they charge. I'm pissed that I'm in 4 points deep and now some shlub is gonna waltz in , and get a tag with no pref points??? I"ve been donating to Iowa for 18 years of point and tag buying.
This bill did indeed pass the full committee but has yet to be published with the new bill number and as amended. I can't find anyway. So I went back and watched the zoom meeting. Two things in the amendment, the first thing is it drops the 750 without preference points and the second was it changes the NR that gets an additional point for killing a doe in certain areas. The tape was kinda scratchy so I couldn't understand all they said but that part is either being dropped or changed.

We'll just have to wait until they publish it, or someone else can find it, to see what they did.
Gotcha. While I hate only going up there every 5 years, I sure don’t want it to turn into Kansas or Illinois.

There’s a reason we wait so long and pay so much. It’s worth it.
New bill number is SF 2344, the amendments dropped the 0 points draw for 750 tags, reworded how the draw works, I think it still means the same just worded differently, to me, it is still the NR with the most points gets drawn first and an NR that kills a doe with the doe license in certain areas gets a bonus preference point.

Link to the bill: <SF 2344>
New bill number is SF 2344, the amendments dropped the 0 points draw for 750 tags, reworded how the draw works, I think it still means the same just worded differently, to me, it is still the NR with the most points gets drawn first and an NR that kills a doe with the doe license in certain areas gets a bonus preference point.

Link to the bill: <SF 2344>
Thanks for keeping everyone updated.
What are the ways a non resident can kill does in Iowa? As far as I know, when you draw your buck tag, Iowa makes you buy a doe tag with it. Which I have no problem filling if I'm asked to. Is there other ways for non res to get doe tags? If I could get an extra pref point to kill a doe every year, I would. I'm usually hunting a state that touches Iowa every year.

On the other hand, isn't the current system working? Why can't they just leave things alone before they destroy the place. If I was a res, I'd be a little pissed at all the crap they try to feed you every year.
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