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Sf 219

OK, I'm new here but I have to say I'm a little disappointed. I mean the feeding ban thread went 40 pages and this thread only has 2. I hope that means everyone is busy contacting their reps. Maybe they've been out shed hunting?
On a more positive note one of my Reps. actually responded to my email and told me he would not support it.

I think the reason for this is 2 fold. 1st if this was in a different forum ie whitetail conference, it would be more noticeable. 2nd, the main reason the baiting ban was 40 pages long was due to the IBA's stance on the issue. I think we are all on the same page on this issue! :way:
Be sure to mention in your e-mails that this bill is about helping a group of people whose only interest in Iowa is coming here to shoot a deer. They don't care about our kids,schools, businesses, quality of life, or future. SHOOTING A DEER IS IT. AND THEY CAN"T VOTE FOR YOU!!!!
Do you think a resident landowner would ever be able to afford
land if this passes?

Risto, I know I'll get roasted for this, but I'll say it anyway. I have always had the opinion that Iowa residents have the same opportunities to buy land as any non resident does, with maybe even a slight advantage due to our close proximity and awareness of land availability(if you do your homework and some networking). Let's compare a couple of things, if you look at the national wage index, the median average income for the U.S is just over 40K. Now look at the Iowa economy index and you will find that the median income in Iowa is slightly under 40K, not much of a discrepancy if you ask me! My point is that we as Iowa residents have the same opportunities to purchase land and make money as any one else does, you just have to be motivated enough to do it. Sure you may have to travel for work or spend a few years getting a college education, but the opportunities are there if you look. America is the land of opportunity, you just have to be motivated enough to go find those opportunities! I guess what I'm trying to say is that sure there are going to be NR's that come here and offer 5k an acre for some recreational land and the farmer might sell, but if you never went and offered to buy the same farm then you are the one that lost out. We can't fault these guys for wanting land here, this place is awesome (and not just for hunting). I just get sick of guys whining about losing opportunities, when in all reality they aren't putting in the effort to find hunting ground or establish relationships with land owners or take them a gift or help with farm chores, I guess it's just like any thing else in life, the harder you work, the more you will be rewarded! If guys don't want this state to change than be proactive! Send the emails to your representatives, get involved with the IBA and other local organizations, lead by example. If guys just sit and bitch about everything, life and it's opportunities will pass you buy. Just my 2 cents!
Is there anyone that is for the bill that we should be contacting?

Look at Bonker's post in the whitetail conference! It has a list of people that the FOI is contacting that I would assume are FOR or atleast being swayed that way. It's titled "the opposition" i believe :way:
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