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SF2127 Non-resident hunting

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: scottonbuck</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Self taught in fact and learning by the minute. Have gotten pretty decent at it I think. But hey what do I know Im just Some red neck on a keyboard. Oh yeah bait is for fishing </div></div>

Nets are for fishin,
Fletchman, you kill rut bucks because they're out moving around LOOKING for does. If they FIND one right away they aren't looking any more now are they.

Refusing to kill does in areas with skewed sex ratios or excessive overall populations is just plain stupid.

One of the reasons this proposed law (and most all of the deer bills this year) is rediculous is because it tries to fix a problem in a few areas with a statewide requirement.
Being a NR hunter I have no problem killing does if that's what Iowa wants me to do. I like coming to this site and for the most part have had a good experience over the 4 or 5 years I've been visiting.
I am a NR and do understand, do not always agree with, the position taken by residents regarding deer regs in their home state and try to operate with consideration on the site.
That said, I have to say Fletch you are a total pot stirrer and add absolutely nothing of value when you post. I would be careful with your outward disregard for current or proposed Iowa game laws. If you think your speaking for the silent NR minority, you're mistaken.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: IA ML'r</div><div class="ubbcode-body">

One of the reasons this proposed law (and most all of the deer bills this year) is rediculous is because it tries to fix a problem in a few areas with a statewide requirement.


Exactly, it is going to be tough for them to figure out a way to please everyone but their current proposals seem crazy. I think a large step forward would be to address this on a more local level, not state wide.
Let me ask this, actually two questions:

1) Do you all expect this bill to pass?


2) When will this bill either pass or not pass (tabled, voted down, buried in committee, etc)? Is there a set time limit on this kind of stuff?
I have to agree with Back 40, that Fletchman does not speak for the majority of non-residents.He is a not what this site is about and adds nothing positive. I think Iowa has done a great job of managing its herd, but has some localized problem areas. I wish that I would draw a buck tag every year, but I can live with the current situation given the quality of the hunting. I come back to Iowa every fall to bowhunt with family on family ground. I just love to sit in a tree and watch animals. I would love to kill a buck every year, but I don't mind wacking a doe. I just wish that it was less expensive for non-residents to purchase additional doe tags. We have plenty of land and an overabundance of does, but at $100 a pop it adds up. Fight hard to protect the quality of hunting that you have. We have all gotten so caught up in the quest for horn that we have lost sight of what is really important. I hunt to spend time with family, friends and nature. I would love to someday kill a big one ( I have swallowed 2 buck tags- not for lack of opportunity!-dang buck fever!)but I will hunt and have fun regardless.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Magic_man</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I have to agree with Back 40, that Fletchman does not speak for the majority of non-residents.He is a not what this site is about and adds nothing positive. I think Iowa has done a great job of managing its herd, but has some localized problem areas. I wish that I would draw a buck tag every year, but I can live with the current situation given the quality of the hunting. I come back to Iowa every fall to bowhunt with family on family ground. I just love to sit in a tree and watch animals. I would love to kill a buck every year, but I don't mind wacking a doe. I just wish that it was less expensive for non-residents to purchase additional doe tags. We have plenty of land and an overabundance of does, but at $100 a pop it adds up. Fight hard to protect the quality of hunting that you have. We have all gotten so caught up in the quest for horn that we have lost sight of what is really important. I hunt to spend time with family, friends and nature. I would love to someday kill a big one ( I have swallowed 2 buck tags- not for lack of opportunity!-dang buck fever!)but I will hunt and have fun regardless. </div></div>

I really truly wish everyone thought like you. It seems the obsession and greed take over. I belive after you by your first $100 nr doe tag you should be able to purchase more for $12 like residents. Maybe someday.

You sound like a true sportsman. The prior post has some valid suggestions for additional NR doe tag price levels. There seems to be so much smoke and mirrors going on in most states deer regulations anymore that it is getting rather silly. At least Iowa has not commercialized the whitetail as much as many of it's bordering neighbors. I hope that residents and non-residents of this state can work together to keep it that way as long as possible.

From a resident's perspective, I appreciate your support of current regulations and quotas. I sincerely hope when the opportunity presents itself in your shooting lane that your arrows fly true.
Scottonbuck and BWJ, Thanks for your kind words. I have been traveling to Iowa to hunt since I was a small boy growing up in Minnesota some 40 years ago. I remember seeing few deer but many pheasants in those days. By the late 70's to early 80's deer numbers in the area my family has land were growing. I was a fledgling bowhunter in highschool in Minnesota, but we had little knowledge and few deer in my area.I would have loved to hunt some of my families land in Iowa, but no non-resident tags were allowed. I moved to Alaska right out of college in 85. I love it here, but big game in AK is a major production and alot of money, even for residents.The bow hunting bug hit me hard about 6 years ago and I began annual trips back to Iowa. Its really hard to get kids hunting up here. I love my annual trips to Iowa because it is hunting as I remember. I am very lucky as I have lots of family in Iowa who allow me to hunt. I have three boys who like to hunt as well. I will bring another with me this year to bowhunt to show him what I love about hunting deer in Iowa. He will have a doe tag, as he only has 1 preference point but that is OK. Hopefully, he will catch the bug and want to return someday for that big buck, but in the meantime we will put him in front of a few baldies! Keep up the good fight to protect what you have. Make sure the common man and kids have access to what we enjoyed growing up. If it was about big horns, I would have given up hunting long ago. Have a great weekend!! P.S. Its been in the 40's the last 3 days so you guys should see a warm-up soon!
When there is that much bait running around the bait does not work as well. The hogs tend to stay put and not travel as well when they have 20 does with in a half mile to a mile of them. I would rather shoot someone elses slob that ran three miles running a hot doe.

About time Iowa, I will be more than willing to smoke 2 does before taking my Iowa buck. Heck, after taking my trophy, I would still be willing to shoot more does.

Supporter of the bill.
Who was the state senator I believe back in 2006 that proposed a bill that would raise NR numbers. I remeber it was voted down and it was reported he owned part of a outfitter. We need to stay in touch with our Reps and get to know who they are. I believe that if you buy a tag you have the right to shoot what you desire. If you buy the extra doe tags great. But be honest how many giant herds do you see runing around on the property you hunt. Where I am you see anywhere from 08-20 on an avg. throughout the county, but we had 950 extra doe tags sold. I've said it before and I will again many more times (Its about the money folks) preety soon we will have herd levels like we did in the 80's, and when the market falls out then the avrg. hunter will be able to take to the field again.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> It dosn't matter, Im still showin up and killin a P&Y.

It's what I do.

SF 2127, NONRESIDENT DEER LICENSES . Requires a nonresident deer hunter to purchase two antlerless licenses with the purchase of an antlered or any sex license and to take two antlerless deer before taking any other deer. Reduces the cost of an antlerless license to $50. Increases the number of non-resident licenses to 12,000. SNRC.

I will call in road kill, I will give my doe tags to locals.

You cant make me kill a doe!

It is not in me, I gave up killin does along time ago, and Iowa wont make me change.

Fletch, your attitude is nothing short of a pompus jerk. I can't stand people like you. If you can live with being the way you are then that's your business, but I know I'd appreciate it if you'd just leave this site. You are exactly the NR person this State doesn't need. If you're so up on killing a P&Y buck, go hunt in a pen and leave the good people of Iowa alone...WE DON"T NEED YOU OR ANYONE LIKE YOU.
I have learned a lot here lurking. Too bad an idiot has caused my first post. Guys like ol' Fletch is why it is hard for a NR to come to Iowa and hunt. Not all of us from Michigan are pompus a$$e$! In fact "experts" like Fletch are why I prefer to hunt anywhere BUT home. If I were a betting man, I'd bet his "trophy hunting" is sitting over a pile of sugar beets or corn. I've been scouting and building points for 3 years waiting for my chance to hunt Iowa. I still don't have any access to private land, but I have some public land spots that I am confident in.

With that said, I hope they do NOT raise the NR limit. That is one of the reasons Iowa is sooooo good. If NRs are allowed to flood in, the quality of the hunt is going to go down, period. I don't mind waiting my turn.

I'd like to be able to use my doe tags--all of them, but it is going to be difficult to shoot 2 does FIRST. It may be easy for you guys with all your honey holes, but I imagine it would take me my whole two weeks!
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Back40</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Being a NR hunter I have no problem killing does if that's what Iowa wants me to do. I like coming to this site and for the most part have had a good experience over the 4 or 5 years I've been visiting.
I am a NR and do understand, do not always agree with, the position taken by residents regarding deer regs in their home state and try to operate with consideration on the site.
That said, I have to say Fletch you are a total pot stirrer and add absolutely nothing of value when you post. I would be careful with your outward disregard for current or proposed Iowa game laws. If you think your speaking for the silent NR minority, you're mistaken. </div></div>

And I would bet you my tag you couldn't kill two does "FIRST" and a P&Y buck with your bow in a 7 day bowhunt.

So quit brown nosin and come back to reality. You make us NR's disgusted with your nonsense.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: turtL</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> It dosn't matter, Im still showin up and killin a P&Y.

It's what I do.

SF 2127, NONRESIDENT DEER LICENSES . Requires a nonresident deer hunter to purchase two antlerless licenses with the purchase of an antlered or any sex license and to take two antlerless deer before taking any other deer. Reduces the cost of an antlerless license to $50. Increases the number of non-resident licenses to 12,000. SNRC.

I will call in road kill, I will give my doe tags to locals.

You cant make me kill a doe!

It is not in me, I gave up killin does along time ago, and Iowa wont make me change.

Fletch, your attitude is nothing short of a pompus jerk. I can't stand people like you. If you can live with being the way you are then that's your business, but I know I'd appreciate it if you'd just leave this site. You are exactly the NR person this State doesn't need. If you're so up on killing a P&Y buck, go hunt in a pen and leave the good people of Iowa alone...WE DON"T NEED YOU OR ANYONE LIKE YOU. </div></div>

Are you serious? Do you NOT like to go on hunting trips?

Im a bad guy because I want to see my friends in IOWA once every three years and try and kill a big deer, and im not interested in killing does.

WOW??? Hang me from the nearest tree!!!! Im such a bad guy!!!!!
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: scottonbuck</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Magic_man</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I have to agree with Back 40, that Fletchman does not speak for the majority of non-residents.He is a not what this site is about and adds nothing positive. I think Iowa has done a great job of managing its herd, but has some localized problem areas. I wish that I would draw a buck tag every year, but I can live with the current situation given the quality of the hunting. I come back to Iowa every fall to bowhunt with family on family ground. I just love to sit in a tree and watch animals. I would love to kill a buck every year, but I don't mind wacking a doe. I just wish that it was less expensive for non-residents to purchase additional doe tags. We have plenty of land and an overabundance of does, but at $100 a pop it adds up. Fight hard to protect the quality of hunting that you have. We have all gotten so caught up in the quest for horn that we have lost sight of what is really important. I hunt to spend time with family, friends and nature. I would love to someday kill a big one ( I have swallowed 2 buck tags- not for lack of opportunity!-dang buck fever!)but I will hunt and have fun regardless. </div></div>

I really truly wish everyone thought like you. It seems the obsession and greed take over. I belive after you by your first $100 nr doe tag you should be able to purchase more for $12 like residents. Maybe someday.

I'll give you $200 if you dont make me shoot a doe?

I dont shoot does when Im on vacation, what part of that do you not understand?

And these couple NR's that are kissin your butt, they're not hunters, they have probably never killed a big deer.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Steve O</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I have learned a lot here lurking. Too bad an idiot has caused my first post. Guys like ol' Fletch is why it is hard for a NR to come to Iowa and hunt. Not all of us from Michigan are pompus a$$e$! In fact "experts" like Fletch are why I prefer to hunt anywhere BUT home. If I were a betting man, I'd bet his "trophy hunting" is sitting over a pile of sugar beets or corn. I've been scouting and building points for 3 years waiting for my chance to hunt Iowa. I still don't have any access to private land, but I have some public land spots that I am confident in.

With that said, I hope they do NOT raise the NR limit. That is one of the reasons Iowa is sooooo good. If NRs are allowed to flood in, the quality of the hunt is going to go down, period. I don't mind waiting my turn.

I'd like to be able to use my doe tags--all of them, but it is going to be difficult to shoot 2 does FIRST. It may be easy for you guys with all your honey holes, but I imagine it would take me my whole two weeks! </div></div>

Steve-O I dont think you could fill two doe tags in Iowa in 3 months with a bow,

And by the way I killed a P&Y in MI. last Oct.

How did you do?

Plus I have a P&Y from Iowa, have you even hunted there?

You are the reason I leave MI. and hunt Il. and Iowa.
"I have learned a lot here lurking. Too bad an idiot has caused my first post. Guys like ol' Fletch is why it is hard for a NR to come to Iowa and hunt. Not all of us from Michigan are pompus a$$e$! In fact "experts" like Fletch are why I prefer to hunt anywhere BUT home."

Hey SteveO? Who's the idiot? I have friends in Iowa and Illinois

I dont buy doe tags and hunt Iowa every year, but I COULD, I threw away two doe tags from Il. last year.

I think you're barkin up the wrong tree bud, I'll invite you over to my house, and we can compare trophy rooms.

I bet I got more sugerbeet bucks than you do:)
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