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Ways and Means committee approved this bill today. Was placed on calendar and approved.

Again this bill sucks. It increases NR tags with no limit and it’s in addition to the 6k NR tags. Hypothetically if 5k resident family members apply they get tags. Jesus. This is a worse impact than NRLO legislation imo. At least NRLOs pay the state and most improve their land. Resident NR family members do nothing and contribute nothing.
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This has to be stopped. Literally thousands of RESIDENTS will show up this summer to check in for permission to hunt as usual. Thousands will be told “sorry, new regs, other hunters. Land locked up now”. Thousands will get the boot- there’s not one ounce of doubt in my mind.
I’ve lost permission tons of times “we leased it”. “We have new hunters coming in”. “Too many people!” U name it. This is a HUGE problem for everyday dudes- getting decent permission land!!! Very hard!! About to be impossible!!!

99.9% of the land is owned by private parties. This could be 10,000-30,000 landowners doing this- who knows?!??

Residents vastly & overwhelmingly hunt based on permission. Residents also control deer #’s. NR’s don’t. This will cause a further decline in resident hunter #’s!!!! Leading to higher deer #’s & lost resident hunter revenue!!! This will kill youth, new or everyday hunters. I know…. Broken record BUT,.. I’m gonna repeat til this bill gets enough folks writing in to kill it. & way more dudes need to be made aware & ACT!!!!!

If thousands of residents knew they were gonna be screwed- I know they’d care. They need to know this is going on and write in!!!! Politicians need to prioritize our residents over NR’s and quit going to war with them to the degree that a large % are gonna quit!!!

& hey- public land guys…. U know, the guys that hunt public in a state that ranks 48 of 50 for public land!.. think it’s crowded now?!?! Wait til u get another scrambling 10,000 residents joining u!!! Until many quit- gonna be a disaster on all levels.
Youth, new hunters & everyday working man gonna get sold out by these ridiculous politicians!!! This Klimesh guy is a disgrace!!!
So this is an any sex any season tag? I could see this contributing to a lot more farms being bought with out-of-state money as long as they trust their resident family members! This opens up another question would land in a trust or partnership qualify?
I think we are gonna have ONE MORE ROUND OF WRITING IN. I’m working on the list for all the legislatures. So- it’ll be copy all their emails into BCC & send a message to all of them. One email & pry could do this in 5 mins & we gonna want everyone else we know to do it. If folks do- I think we can kill this. One last push & thats pry it for the year if I’m guessing.
This was Rozenboom’s response after reading my email this morning! Still haven’t heard squat from him! Anyone else getting responses back??

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That guy is poster child for out-of-touch political sell out. No joke…. His colleagues have personally told me he’s awful to deal with & completely out of touch. Said he’s got farmer back ground & absolutely hates deer. Will support any thing or any means to kill deer or degrade our resource. I would tend to believe this based on everything this guy backs.
I agree completely, by far the majority of hunters have no clue bills like this are being introduced. Yeah i saw that post by TBI, basically had no responses or anything. Be cool to see trophy bucks of iowa pick the side of these bills that would continue to produce more trophy bucks and then actively start posting trying to get followers to write in.
We have a team that has ability to post and not all are involved with the politics side like like others so often areas of this concern can be missed. I am all for using TBI as a platform to increase engagement in our political climate to have voices heard. As I travel more for my career, social media (facebook mainly) gets the back seat and ignored, so by all means message me directly when something needs posted or shared and im happy to make that happen if I miss it when not online. Skip has text me directly with certain areas needing voiced and many others on here have my direct contact information.
We have a team that has ability to post and not all are involved with the politics side like like others so often areas of this concern can be missed. I am all for using TBI as a platform to increase engagement in our political climate to have voices heard. As I travel more for my career, social media (facebook mainly) gets the back seat and ignored, so by all means message me directly when something needs posted or shared and im happy to make that happen if I miss it when not online. Skip has text me directly with certain areas needing voiced and many others on here have my direct contact information.
Totally get it with being busy with work and life. I didnt mean that in negative criticism way. I enjoy seeing all the pics from TBI and it definitly has a huge following. I think it would be neat to see a 'call to action' sort of post for when topics like this come up to not only help educate others but to encourage writing in etc. I'm sure easier said than done.
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