<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: killer buck</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I planted a food plot last year. I used Pro Graze from evolved habitats. It started out well but it sort of stoped growing and then leaves fell on it then it sort died away. So I think the food plot was to shady. So if have any suggestions on the food plot or what kind of seed I should get, that would be good in shad it would be greatly appreciated. </div></div>
That mix has brassicas, clover and chicory and I know that brassicas don't do well in shade and clover is only slightly better.
"Shade" questions have a lot of variables because each situation may have varying amounts of shade.
I've had fair success with oats and rye, but it depends on soil type and moisture before any thing even has a chance.
Woodland settings usually have poor dry soils and when dry weather sets in and moisture dries up, so do the shady plots.
You may struggle to plant anything in that spot that will be succussful but I'd give rye (fall rye grain/winter rye) a chance because it is very drought resistant and can grow in poor soils. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif