Shed buck kills



I think we should start a count for current late season and extra late rifle season, totalling up how many shed bucks are mistakenly taken for anterless deer. I know of one set of sheds found, with distinctive bases, only to have the shed buck mistakenly shot for a doe. I'll start - 1
All, We tried doe hunting this weekend and I had to send everyone packing after a shed buck was shot!! It's just not worth it!! That makes 2!! No more January season for us!!
Had that experience Sunday afternoon. About 5:00 two little deer came out to the edge of a big hay field and were followed by a nice doe. Got them stopped about 60 yards out almost broadside so I took the big doe with my muzzle loader. She ran 60 ot 70 yards and dropped in sight. When I got to her I took off my coat and watch and got out the knife to field dress her, but when I rolled her over "she" had way to much plumbing. It was a shed buck that had been shed for a long time. The bases were completely grown over and had hair laying over them. You had to look really close even standing right over the head to see them. I was so shocked I even looked arround just to make sure it was the one I had shot. Shooting shed bucks can and does happen so try to be careful. I guess that makes 3.
Hats off to Thunder Ridge Extreme. I've watched this site for a number of years and I can tell you, this is why he continually harvests quality animals year after year. He knows what he is doing. I just wonder what the DNR was thinking when they cam up with this bright idea

I suspect hundreds of mature bucks will be shot across the state between now and Jan 29th. When I was in college in Iowa City, I used to shed hunt Kent Park and McBride State Park. I'm telling you the truth here, I've found some nice sheds before Jan 29th and most of my biggest ones were picked up early.
I just checked my Vcam I got 101 pics in ust 2 days, and 22 different bucks, one was a ten point and he shed one side 15 yards from my corn. From my pictures I would say 20% have shed here in Maryland already.
Good call Thunder Ridge!
It would be a much better idea to open the doe season up arount the 10th-15th of september rather than late late season JMO. A buddy in IL took out one a week ago with covered pedicles....Good call TRE
I have in the past let a few people late doe hunt on my ground but 4 years ago 1 of them shot a shed buck and that was the end of that. Since then I have been the one to harvest the does to try to keep the ratio at a good level. I have taken a few people but I have been right there beside them with my binos to make sure what they think is a doe really is a doe. Since then no bucks or button bucks have been killed. There is no way I would even consider letting anyone rifle hunt on my property even with me beside them.. I hate to have to babysit people but you do what you have to do to save a BUCK !!!!!
You guys are making me sick. You all bitch about non-residents only wanting to shoot Big Bucks and that none of them want to shoot does. If you weren't so damn worried about antlers we wouldn't have this non-resident problem. I have no problem having in old residents to shoot deer, but I have a big problem with outfitters and so called guide services bringing in out of staters with big money to have them put them on a good buck. Hell if I had someone scouting for me and all I had to do was just go where someone told me to go, I woudl kill a monster every year too. Shoot the damn deer and quit worrying about the shed bucks.
I'm not an outfitter and I shoot good deer because my hunting group practices QDM. We have shot 106 does in the past 2 years! 57 last year and 49 this year! We have done this to bring the deer herd in our area closer to 1 to 3 Buck to Doe ratio. This takes the stress off the environment and eliminate social stress. The reason we quit hunting was that there was a strong chance we were going to negatively impact our ratio and since we had already met our 45 doe goal for the year I made the decision to stop the hunt and continue our herd management next year! So shoot the deer! We did! But ruin all the work we did throughout the seasons I will not do!!
I have no problem with QDM and I pratice it on my hunting ground. I get sick and tired of the Iowa Leg. and the DNR telling us that the deer pop is out of wack. I do my job of maintaining a good deer pop on my farms. I want them to have a check station for deer kills. That way they will know exactly how many deer are killed every year and where they are killed. This would elimanate the Late Doe Seasons. They would be able to do it on a case by case basis like they did 10 years ago. We had a terrible problem on our farm before we put it to CRP. The DNR gave us doe tags to shoot extra doe's to thin them down. It seemed to work. Now they think everyone has a problem when we don't. The only reason they are saying we have a state wide problem is because they want more NR tags. Like I said I don't have a problem with Home grown Out of staters just outfitters.
I think shooting does is a great thing!I also think having a season this late in the year to shoot does would work if we could identify does from buck's but in low shooting light or on a fast shot ect; it's hard to tell the difference.
Thunder Ridge is right on the money with his reason's for doing what he did and it is up to each of us to decide how and what we are trying to accomplish as deer hunter's.To come on here and critisize everyone for being concerned about this subject is wrong!To let everyone know how YOU feel about it is fine.If you want to go out and shoot everything you see then go for it but do not think for a second that everyone else is going to do the same,the people on this sight are much better hunter's then that and are going to be selective in what they take out of the population because they care about the deer and want to do what's best for them,shooting shed buck's is not going to do much to help an overpopulation problem.
Anyone who is out there hunting this season are not going to knowingly kill buck's,it's going to happen though.I personaly think that this late season stuff is a bad idea but I'm not going to critisize anyone who is out there trying to thin does,I just think doing it in late Jan. is a bad idea.Hopefuly the DNR will be able to come up with some better plan's for thinning the doe population's.
Now they think everyone has a problem when we don't.

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Last time I checked every county had a different quota.
Anywhere between 100 per county to 3500 per county. Every county is managed different. Dont get me wrong I wouldnt mind check stations either. Just wanted to get it across that every county is managed different.
Palmated, "Quote" Shoot the damm deer and quit worrying about the shed bucks.. "unquote" I take it that you do not spend much time or money on your deer herd. I spend a lot of time and money each year on mine. So yes I will worry about shooting shed bucks. Most weekend hunters do not care what they are shooting on someone else's ground, they have nothing invested.. I have never read anything in QDM about not worrying about shooting shed bucks. Doe season means DOE season...
Well before you start assuming you better ask. Yes, I spend a lot of money on the deer herd on my farm. I am pissed because I have a couple of neighbors who have leased their land to an outfitter and the only reason he leased it is because of all the work that I've done. Now he will reap what I sowed. So I have come to the conclusion it doesn't matter and I will shoot what I want. Please try and find out the facts before you assume. This is why I don't like outfitters and Non-home grown Iowans coming to our state to hunt. I don't go to other states let them stay home too. How would you like if you had a large tract of land that you have been working your butt off on for 20 years to grow nice deer and someone comes and starts hunting the outside edges and taking out what you have worked hard on. Walk in my shoes before judging me.
Hey guys this started as a way to get some idea of the number of shed bucks killed so far. Right now the number is 3. Over the last several years I have killed 10 deer in the Jan season with this last one being a shed buck that must have dropped before Christmas. He could have just as easily been killed during the late muzzle loader or maybe even 2nd shotgun season. Whether it is right or wrong there is bound to be a certain number killed, and while we may try our best to avoid it these are just as much an accident as if they were hit by cars and killed. Another thing to consider is that if all the doe tag quotas were filled before the Jan season this wouldn't even be a discussion point. I am not knocking those of you who practice QDM, but if instead of concentration on only MR BIG you had killed a number of does early there would not be any tags left for the January season. Just another way to look at the problem and who could be at fault.
I understand your frustration. It would probably get under my skin as well, I guess that is no reason to take it out on an internet forum on people you don't know and start your thread with a quote like...

You guys are making me sick.

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You put people on the defensive right away and rarely will you get positive feedback from a post like that. Perhaps you should have explained your frustration first to help others understand your situation.

The passion, dedication and knowlege that belongs to members of this site is the catalyst that keeps it going and keeps people coming back. I would ask everyone when we are heading into the spring and summer to think and then type. I also have lost count of the times I have typed a response read it, re-read it and realized it would just do nothing to contribute and deleted it. Trust me... It helps.
Good response Limb. Thanks.

Back to the topic of the original post. I harvested a shed buck on New Years Eve day. I think that is a total now of

Let's see if I can hijack this thread.

I feel your pain with harvesting shed bucks. We tried to avoid them this year and my group was succesful. Where we didn't do so good was we took a couple of button bucks (I took one Monday evening). Somehow it didn't seem as bad as when one of our group shot a shed buck last year, but it still wasn't fun lifting the leg and realizing a button buck was shot.

Back to the topic at hand!