If the answer is access what exactly is the problem? "High population areas" "properties that hold all the deer" . Who is serving up this Kool Aid? Are you kidding me; if the blaze army with a pocket full of doe tags had access to all the timber ground in Iowa there would not be any deer left! I think we should all thank our lucky stars that there are people who own larger tracts that don't buy into the kill'em all mentality. Regardless of who's fault it is the "state" is not managing the deer herd, that should be obvious. As an example, in Monroe Co this past season thru all of the seasons from youth to late muzzle loader 1723 deer were harvested. That same year there was 1950 EXTRA tags made available. With all the hunters hunting throughout all the seasons only harvesting 1723 deer, does it make sense to anyone that there would be 1950 extra tags?!? No my friends access is not the problem, whatever that "problem" may be. The real problem as I see it is hunters and land owners trying to manage the deer herd rather than the DNR who's hands seem to be tied by special interest groups that want to see the deer herd destroyed.