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Shed buck season is in the way back!

I agree! NRLO/NR would pay much more for those licenses and hunt during the regular seasons on ground that really needs more deer management. They could forget about the late season shed buck rifle massacre forever.
Exactly what I was thinking. Just let me buy an overpriced doe tag those years I don't draw a buck tag. I'm happy and the state of IA doesn't have to take it out on residents.
Problem with allowing the non res tag is there will always be those that will cheat. Bad idea imo. There cannot be a non res land owner benefit or it will cause problems. Even the serious NRLO will regret where it would lead.
Problem with allowing the non res tag is there will always be those that will cheat. Bad idea imo. There cannot be a non res land owner benefit or it will cause problems. Even the serious NRLO will regret where it would lead.

What would it lead to? A doe tag? NR already can get a landowner doe tag, or do the holiday season, what would the difference be, if it was a landowner any season doe tag?
If you get a doe tag every year for gun season then couldn't you cross tag? Even if you couldn't some would. If you couldn't hunt the rut but now it's possible and a 180" walks by when doe hunting some won't pass. I know back when that dumb ass doe season right before gun1 was still happening bucks were still chasing and guys were killing them and hanging them for a week then tagging them. Someone always pushes it. I'm not trying to fight with you I have not lived here my whole life, but I do know the NR system here is pretty good right now. Any real benefit to NRLO over any other NR would be a detriment. If it's working g why change it?
If you get a doe tag every year for gun season then couldn't you cross tag? Even if you couldn't some would. If you couldn't hunt the rut but now it's possible and a 180" walks by when doe hunting some won't pass. I know back when that dumb ass doe season right before gun1 was still happening bucks were still chasing and guys were killing them and hanging them for a week then tagging them. Someone always pushes it. I'm not trying to fight with you I have not lived here my whole life, but I do know the NR system here is pretty good right now. Any real benefit to NRLO over any other NR would be a detriment. If it's working g why change it?

To me an Iowa landowner risking shooting a buck with an archery tag is unlikely, but if that is the concern, you could probably limit the extra doe tags to after the shotgun season? I would like to see them offer extra tags--if warranted in counties that have higher deer numbers (maybe $25 tag) that could be purchased for late season use? I do not see that as a big change, just more affordable.
I think that for any season that a NR/NRLO has a tag for he could be allowed to purchase a few more doe only tags. If he draws an archery tag let him archery hunt a few more does if he wants. Same for all the other seasons that are offered. Make the licenses after the first one at half price or less would be great. DNR could generate more money and not add any more seasons, like the crazy late shed buck rifle one!!
Whooo boy, I really don't want to go down this road again.

In the long term allowing more tags to NRLOs will only intensify the access issue and therefore the "supposed" over population will only get worse. I say "supposed" because I don't think there are deer hunters out there who are seeing too many deer. More NRLO tags will create more NRLOs which will create more access issues which will create more supposed over population which will create more of an outcry by the NRLOs for more tags in the name of population control which in the long term will create more NRLOs which will add to the access issues for this supposed overpopulation.

If NRLOs truly believe they have an over population of deer they can contact the deer depredation biologist and if the damage from overpopulation is bad enough they can get depredation tags.


I understand how NRLOs feel. Who wouldn't want to hunt every year. But NRLOs have to understand there are access issues in Iowa and we can't make them worse than they already are.
I'm not saying you should add more buck tags or that these licenses would be for NRLO only. I meant anyone that has a NR license already for any season could buy a few more doe only tags. This shouldn't create any new incentive for a NR to come to Iowa and possibly buy up any land. The Iowa DNR I have heard is in terrible financial shape and this would be one way to help out. I think it would be a better idea than starting that late doe/rifle season!
If the answer is access what exactly is the problem? "High population areas" "properties that hold all the deer" . Who is serving up this Kool Aid? Are you kidding me; if the blaze army with a pocket full of doe tags had access to all the timber ground in Iowa there would not be any deer left! I think we should all thank our lucky stars that there are people who own larger tracts that don't buy into the kill'em all mentality. Regardless of who's fault it is the "state" is not managing the deer herd, that should be obvious. As an example, in Monroe Co this past season thru all of the seasons from youth to late muzzle loader 1723 deer were harvested. That same year there was 1950 EXTRA tags made available. With all the hunters hunting throughout all the seasons only harvesting 1723 deer, does it make sense to anyone that there would be 1950 extra tags?!? No my friends access is not the problem, whatever that "problem" may be. The real problem as I see it is hunters and land owners trying to manage the deer herd rather than the DNR who's hands seem to be tied by special interest groups that want to see the deer herd destroyed.
I see the problem as those who bitch about the population and request depredation tags while letting no one or one hunt or two people lease. I don't care if you do that, you own it let no hunt, it's your choice. If you do that, don't expect special consideration. You cannot expect to have it both ways. Guy rents the farm I hunt, owns several tracts around it. Let's no one hunt his, then complains about crop damage and demands other land owners let everyone in to hunt so his crops don't get destroyed. I believe if you own it as long as what you do isn't physically hurting someone else via rerouting water etc you should do what you want on your land. As long as you follow the same rules as everyone else. Obviously there are exceptions but I don't think it's impossible to find responsible hunters to shoot does off a particular property.
A famous quote from Mike Tyson. He once said, "everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth" I think everyone landowners, the DNR..... we all have some type of plan on deer hunting, but something like EHD and CWD punches you in the mouth and there goes the plan!
If the answer is access what exactly is the problem? "High population areas" "properties that hold all the deer" . Who is serving up this Kool Aid? Are you kidding me; if the blaze army with a pocket full of doe tags had access to all the timber ground in Iowa there would not be any deer left! I think we should all thank our lucky stars that there are people who own larger tracts that don't buy into the kill'em all mentality. Regardless of who's fault it is the "state" is not managing the deer herd, that should be obvious. As an example, in Monroe Co this past season thru all of the seasons from youth to late muzzle loader 1723 deer were harvested. That same year there was 1950 EXTRA tags made available. With all the hunters hunting throughout all the seasons only harvesting 1723 deer, does it make sense to anyone that there would be 1950 extra tags?!? No my friends access is not the problem, whatever that "problem" may be. The real problem as I see it is hunters and land owners trying to manage the deer herd rather than the DNR who's hands seem to be tied by special interest groups that want to see the deer herd destroyed.

There are shotgun groups that shoot everything that is brown. I get that. I don't want those people around either. But why do the same Counties like Van Buren for example continue to have 4500 or so antlerless tags available year after year after year. I don't live or hunt down there, but why isn't the deer numbers going down?
There are shotgun groups that shoot everything that is brown. I get that. I don't want those people around either. But why do the same Counties like Van Buren for example continue to have 4500 or so antlerless tags available year after year after year. I don't live or hunt down there, but why isn't the deer numbers going down?

Cause there's a crap ton of ground down there that's owned or leased by people or outfitters specifically for deer hunting. They won't just kill everything to make the farmers happy and they won't let just anyone hunt.
What I see in my neighborhood is everybody managing for and hunting trophy bucks and letting the doe population grow unchecked. That becomes an issue when the doe population exceeds the capacity of the managed land and spills out on to adjoining farms where the landowner is just a farmer not a hunter. In my area most of these farmers still give permission to hunt but most of the hunters are trophy hunting, very few of them shoot does.
TONIGHT 6 sharp- be there!!!! DNR Listening session. Tell everyone u know!! If u can make it to a treestand in rut- this is as important in reality. Make time!!! Say a word and go right home if u need to. Comments start immediately usually. Be there!!!
NOT SO FAST!!! Good Job Iowa!!!!! Not over, but good news!!!!

Response I got from Tyler.

Thank you for emailing me regarding your concerns regarding Iowa's deer hunting regulations. I appreciate your passion for conserving our deer herd for future hunters to enjoy.

Based on our review of population trends and stakeholder feedback, the Iowa DNR has decided to remove the January anterless season with a rifle option from our initial proposal. We will be adjusting quotas in certain areas of the state as a response to local conditions. Our proposal is yet to be approved by the Administrative Rules Committee or the Natural Resources Commission, so things can change until the regulations are released. However, our recommendation at this point is to not offer a January anterless option for the 2017-2018 season.

Again, I appreciate you taking the time to express your concerns. If you have other questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Take care,


Based on .......... and stakeholder feedback, ,

STAKEHOLDER FEEDBACK!!!!!!!! That's what did it if it sticks!!! Well done to those that wrote in & showed up!!!!
I'll be honest- the show up was "so-so" (and I came out a little nervous - & still am) but the message was very consistent AGAINST IT- that probably barely pushed the weight to the hunters favor. We still need more to write in, I promise u- its well worth the small amount of time!!! Makes all the difference!!!! If ur reading this and didn't go to meetings- please email in. We need you!!! You have no idea how much impact it really does have. Dnr of past has literally said "we do NOT hear from deer hunters". This was 5-10 years ago I talked to many of them. Your input is so valuable and critically needed - you have no idea. Keep on it guys and defend our fragile resource "6, 5, 4 is enough!!!!" "6 seasons, 5 weapons and 4 months - NO MORE!!!!"
Well done to others & keep writing in. Great news that I hope sticks & legislatures don't try to override. Hunters can win if we put up some voices of resistance to the madness of special interests and lobbyists. (Join iba as well!!)
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