Shed hunting season is coming!!!


Northern Whitetails

TLH -- great site, I will make sure I visit much more regularly.

Here's a set of Alberta sheds to get the blood moving in your veins in anticipation of the upcoming shed season!


Wow what a set! You are right NW that does get the blood moving on a cold December morning.

Thanks for visiting, Canada is a special place and it's fun to see your findings.

I must tell everyone you are Shedmaster in your own right and have a site everyone would enjoy visitingNorthernWhitetails.

Anyway, we have had a pretty good season in Iowa and us archers/muzzleloaders start back again next week so hopefully we will have some more pics and stories to share.

Take care,

This is an email I recieved from a friend that lives by Cedar Rapids.
I am waiting for a picture from him.
I went to a friends house who had a shed he tripped over in a crp field and
you won't believe how big it is! It is a six point shed that has 7.5" bases
and is 6" mass all the way through! If the other side matches and it has a
20" spread it is a 218" typical! I am going to see if I can take it for a
couple of days and get some pictures of it! The one side alone scores 98
7/8. It is huge

I would love to see that shed -- it sounds like a massive whitetail and obviously world class.

I have only seen 3 or 4 typical sheds that score over 90 inches -- in other people's collections! One of my personal goals is to find a 90 inch typical and a 100 inch non-typical in my shedhunting 'career'. A tall order but it will be fun trying!

This is exciting, would love to see a pic!


Remember this pic? We all know that anything is possible, Knifehandle was a great example...

I just received an e-mail from Bentley Coben, one of the most respected and knowledgeable shed hunters in the country.

He had sent me a picture of a 221 non-typical from his neck of the woods and told me of a few other great whitetails that he had heard of from central Saskatchewan.

At the end of his message, he stated that the big whitetails should be dropping their antlers soon -- and that he usually finds his best sheds before Christmas. Keep in mind that this is coming from a shed hunter that has more Boone and Crockett sheds than you can shake a stick at. If that's not motivation to get out looking in the early season, I don't know what is!

Here is a picture of Bentley with a set of typical sheds that he found a few years ago -- the net typical score is 200 inches.
