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shed question


Well-Known Member
Heres a question for ya guys..Just looking at input, not trying to stir the pot here. So dont take it that way. Kind of a long winded story to start off with. But, today I was stuck working, and was driving around the country side (Sounds real tough right) And I stumbled across an Out of state truck with 3 guys in it. Ages between id say 20-30.. I stopped and was talking to them a little bit. Here they were out here shed hunting. Wearing snow camo, and were coming off of posted ground. I was talking to them, and they said how they like to come down here to shed hunt, because they dont have to pay to hunt deer, and when its not deer season, theres not so much attention. Which that last bit really peaked my interest. So I asked a little bit more, and they said that usually they dont get stopped and asked what they are doing since there not wearing orange or its not during hunting seasons. which pegged my interest, and I am a very curious person anyways.
So this was the scenario when I pulled up to the truck. It was on the side of the road, with the hood open but no one around. I noticed the tracks going off into a woods, and I had noticed deer running out. So I just sat there and watched for awhile, when I noticed guys walking in the snow camo back to the truck. Thats why I stopped originally.
A little more into it, I actually was going to visit the owner of the ground right after I talked to these guys (didnt know that before hand) I got to the land owners ground, and he showed me 2 years of antlers from this big buck he was after. Talking hunting, found out he owned the ground, sheriff was called, license plate numbers were given, so on and so forth.
So after a long winded story, my question is, should out of staters need to pay a small fee to shed hunt or at least need to get a hunting license? This is just debate, and I feel like it could be a good debate, and I dont want to see a ton of negative comments, lets keep it fair and nice..thanks and lets have some good debate..:way:
I would say non residents should not need to have a hunting license for shed hunting but they definitely need permission!!

I would compare it to mushroom hunting. Just my off the cuff response.
Residents are worse by far simply due to the sheer amount of them............NRs shouldn't have to pay a fee.
I agree. but I am also going to put in my 2 cents worth. Dont want to stir the pot. What about buying a stamp or license for mushrooms and sheds. Even a $5 fee. I know I would pay it.
I agree. but I am also going to put in my 2 cents worth. Dont want to stir the pot. What about buying a stamp or license for mushrooms and sheds. Even a $5 fee. I know I would pay it.

Private land I don't think so, but public land I would be for it if the money was dedicated to things like improving access or habitat.
If I understand your story correct I would bet that these guys were up to more then just shed hunting sounds a little funny to me. Hopefully they get looked into a little bit. Pretty bold coming here and cameoing up to shed hunt not to mention it's a little early yet I would bet they were up to something else
I don't think non-residents should be treated different, but more strict tresspassing laws and a liquidated damages bill like HF2003 would make would-be law-breakers think twice, resident or not.

So far, I have busted 4 trespassers on my NE Iowa farm, all shed hunters, all from Wisconsin, including a father/son team... pretty sad :(.

On a related note, wearing a red Badgers hat is not wise if you decide to enter a property to steal shed antlers.
I agree. but I am also going to put in my 2 cents worth. Dont want to stir the pot. What about buying a stamp or license for mushrooms and sheds. Even a $5 fee. I know I would pay it.

I would agree, but would want to know where that $5 is going. If it is conservation related, I would be right there.
I don't think there should be a fee for shed hunting. What would happen then to the college friend who comes home with his buddy for spring break and they are out four wheeling through the timber and the friend stumbles on a shed? He can't keep it? Unlikely scenario I know, but you get the point.
I don't think anyone needs to pay to shed hunt or mushroom hunt for that matter. BUT, tresspassing, thats a whole other deal. Fines need increased.
A fee for NR shed hunting?

Whats next....you gonna charge us a fee to look at the deer in Iowa?

Charging NRs a fee isn't going to change if they trespass or not. Heck if it cost $50 to shed hunt in Iowa a lot of NRs would probably take more risks to make it a worthwhile trip.

People need to turn in all trespassers....thats the best solution to limiting trespassing.
Do other states charge NRs to shed hunt? If so, then I could see charging NRs in Iowa. However, the ones who are coming to Iowa to trespass likely aren't going to pay to fee anyway. I don't think its necessary to charge NRs to shed hunt ... or next thing you know, we're going to have to start paying too.

Bottom line is: Iowa needs tougher tresspass laws! I myself am a nonresident. Do I tresspass? No! I get permission from landowners and treat them good for allowing me access to their properties. Simple gifts, such as walleye fillets. I've come to find you guys love the walleye.:grin:

Why do I shed hunt Iowa, same reason I do in other states, because I hunt them. I learn alot by looking for antlers and also enjoy the exercise. Sure didn't help you guys any by having the young man on the cover of OutdoorLife a couple years ago. I'm sure he is kicking himself over the story as well. I bet he does not find as many sheds nowdays?

Most of us are good people and respect peoples property, but there are always going to some that ruin it for everyone. Resident and nonresident.

Goodluck to all of you this shed season. I think it is going to be a tough year, compared to the past couple. Antlers will be more spread out. Not dropping in my area yet. Excited to get out, but going to wait, to increase my odds. Just hope the tresspassers don't beat me to them
Like I said guys, I am not really looking at this as I want to to charge them..just want a good discussion. I guess in my mind, if they are going to use state ground to shed hunt, why not? Its no different than camping. If its private ground that they have permission on, in my mind no. If they are tresspassing, fine them so they cant afford to come back. Just my opinion. Just like hearing the outlooks from everyone else. Thanks for the good debate so far :way:
I guess in my mind, if they are going to use state ground to shed hunt, why not? Its no different than camping. If its private ground that they have permission on, in my mind no.

If that is the case, then everyone in the country should be charged for every time they camp, hike, or shed hunt on any public land, including Forest Service, BLM, and some National Wildlife Refuges and National Park lands (National Recreation Areas). Granted there are some NWRs that do charge an entrance fee and some Ranger Districts that do charge access fees because of the high use (Red Rock District of the Coconino NF around Sedona, for example), but the vast majority of that land is free to do most anything. You can camp outside of designated campgrounds free of charge in most areas and shed hunt all you want (following regs of course).

Like others have said, charge the snot out of trespassers. They are the problem. I'm a NR now, but even though I grew up in Iowa, I ask permission even if it family and friends I've known my whole life. And like Shednut, I do my best to take care of them. Be thankful its not like Colorado that has a strict shed hunting season and fines are large if caught shed hunting out of season.

Nevertheless, a good
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